It's all coming back

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- no one's pov- 

It had been years since jeff decided not to harm his family, and years since he 'moved' in with slender.  Yet something still seemed off if something was missing . Jeff was still having the same dreams over and over again it was like looking about himself in a different point of view. When he looked at himself in a mirror in said dreams he had pitch black hair and it looked like his eyes and mouth were cut open or off. It was cruel looking but at the same time, he looked as happy there as he did here. Nothing had changed in the feeling of that however things were different somehow.

No one but a few people had moved in with slender and him after the new building was finished. It looked like the one in his dreams but smaller and for fewer people, and the people that were there kinda looked like the people in his dreams yet they were different too. Jeff felt something along the lines of sorrow but not. He somehow missed whoever the man was in his dreams which was completely crazy then again he lived with a faceless demon. Did this mean someone was missing him? or was this all in his head....

Jeff sighed thinking back on all of it . He was not the him he saw in that mirror all he was doing was stressing to the air to his mind. He was starting thinking he might actually be crazy like Tobias said.  Oh well no harm in being different maybe thats why he has feelings for someone who doesn't exist, and jeff just realized he was every fanfiction reader ever. 

Jeff stopped a bit walking into the living room seeing ' the boss' as slender reference himself ass and a few of his brothers. It's odd how he had any in the first place but jeff never questioned it. Though he might question this since they were all looking at him , or they were at least looking at his directions. Its hard to tell since well you know... no eyes. slender made a motion to jeff who obeyed and walked over to them.

" Is something wrong?" jeff asked genuinely concerned. Maybe he did something wrong or something they didnt like.

slender shook his head a bit " not entirely ... it's not your fault but it is something about you "

jeff raised an eyebrow in question " Alright and whats that?"

" u-uh well we kind of figured out why your having your dreams about that one guy"

jeffs face lit up with happiness " really?! why?!"

" well you see... you died-but a while ago in a different reality with other us and different people your soul- what was left- came to us to find another you, to possibly go back" 

jeffs face went blank " I don't understand ...."

slender sat him down on the couch " uh-well you see that guy is called laughing jack and he was your husband and he's looking for your soul since he doesn't believe in true death.... those dreams were memories "

Jeff looked up at slender "t-they were..." Jeff slumped over passed out from all the information coming back to him all at once. All the memories shooting threw from a past life which was so real it was overwhelming.

slender sighed and laid him down " tomorrows a new day of choice , only them can we deal with this "


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