Chapter 1

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Your P.O.V

Today I don't have any classes. After laying in my bed for two hours just messaging friends and family, I decide to go to the cafeteria to get something to eat and meet up with Mia. Who should have finished her class already. I throw a flannel on and walk outside to the cafeteria. Mia was already at our regular table so I walk over and sit down.

"You took your time!" Mia exclaims.

"Sorry." I roll my eyes at her.

Mia gets up and leans toward me, "Girl guess what happened!" She yells into my face as she sits back down.

"Did you drink coffee and this is why you're all hype like this?" I groan.

"No! My crush asked me out!" She bites her lip. Mia starts explaining how it went down but slowly her voice faded away until I could hear it no more.

"Y/N?" Mia waves her hand in front of my face.

"Oh, yes that was very interesting Mia." I state as I look up at her to see her looking at something else. I follow her gaze to where the preps were sitting.

"Wait don't tell me-" I look over at Mia who was embarrassingly playing with her hair.

"The preps are messy- why do you even have a crush on one?" I ask.

"He's different..." She mumbles.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes. I wasn't in a place to judge, all my past relationships didn't work. That's why no one comes to me with relationship problems.

I place my head on the table.

"Are you that disappointed in me?" Mia asks.

"No I just have a headache." I state.

"Take advil." She suggests.

"I would if we had some in the dorm." I look at her unamused.

"Oh right we still haven't got around to get some stuff for the dorm...we'll do it one day!
She giggles. "You know I love you right?" She gets up and boops my nose.

"Don't do that ever again in a public area." I squirm around embarrassingly.

"So are you saying I could do it in pr-" I cut her off.

"No." I sigh.

"I heard-" she stops and looks over at the preps and starts whispering, "I heard that Camila is dating another guy."

"Who?" I ask.

"It's something with an A, you know i'm not good with names!" She puffs out her cheeks.

"No I mean who's Camila?" I ask.

"How can you remember definitions but not one of the preps names?" She narrows her eyes on me.

"Quizlet is a great app. I told you that you should get it!" I exclaim.

"I don't have a lot of room in my phone left so I think I'll pass, but Camila is- well I'll just show her to you." We both look over at the prep table. "Let's not make it obvious but she's the one wearing that small bow on her head."

I look back at Mia, "Is she a cheerleader?" I ask.

Mia shakes her head, "don't think so, she's too clumsy for that!"

I nod as a sign that I have nothing else to say.

"What should we do today...oh!" She claps her hands together. I almost fall back.

"That was extra. You scared the crap out of me!" I glare at her.

"That was my plan! Please don't try to kill me with a pillow later...but anyway we should go to a party-" I cut her off again.

"No." I blurt out.

"You watch too many movies! Come on!" She whines. "You don't even like alcohol that much, you'd be fully aware of everything." She pouts.

"Doesn't mean I can beat someone's ass if anything does happen." I raise my eyebrow.

"I won't drink either!" She smiles.

"That doesn't help, you can't even hurt a bug." I wait for her response.

"Okay let's play a game. If I win, we go. If I lose...we don't go and I'll do anything you want for a week. Deal?" She asks.

"What's the game?" I question.

"We have to befriend one of the preps before 7 o'clock." She smiles.

"Your boyfriend is a prep, that's cheating." I shake my head.

"Yes, but I have to befriend someone other than him obviously." She states.

"How do I know he won't help you or you don't know one of the preps already?" I cross my arms.

"Trust me I don't, the preps are scary people!" She looks over at them.

"However you're dating one?" I ask confused.

"I'm going to my next class now." She sighs and rolls her eyes at me as she walks away.

"I'm definitely going to lose this aren't I?" I mumble as I look over at the preps laughing with each other.

But I really don't want to go to that party. I barely got my parents to let me go away for college and my brother is a big ass snitch.

I stretch before I get up from the table and walk to the bathroom. I wasn't paying attention as I collided with a girl.

"Ouch!" The girl mumbles as she grabs her leg.

"Oh shoot, I'm sorry!" I get on my knees and observe the girl. "Did you twist your ankle?"

She bites her lip and nods.

"Can you stand?" I ask.

We both look at each other as her eye's widen like she recognizes me. I tilt my head at her reaction.

"Nope." She shakes her head.

"You want to at least try?" I ask.

She shakes her head again, "Just carry me to the nurse."

My eyebrows twitch at her response. I look at her up and down as I notice the black bow in her head. Of course it had to be a prep, couldn't have been anyone else!   

I sigh and gently pick her up and make my way to the other building and into the nurse's office. I was lucky that no one saw us because I took the long way.

"Why'd you take the long way?" She asks as I sit her on a chair in the nurse's office.

"Because I don't want to be seen carrying a prep, wouldn't that be bad for you too?" I raise my eyebrows.

She shrugs.

"Anyway I'm going now, I think you know how to wrap your leg or whatever." I wave as I walk away.

"Wait!" She yells.

"Huh?" I look back.

"What if I say that I don't?" She scratches her head.

"You'll figure it out." I walk away before she's able to say anything else. I don't think you even have to go to the nurse's office for a twisted ankle. I shrug.

Now I should find a prep to befriend because I will not go to that party. Also this is a dumb game and I don't know why I agreed to it. 

I made a mistake.

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