Chapter 3

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I walk toward the area I last saw Mia and looked around, before I realized it the whole area was cleared and there was a huge crowd near the front of the club. Curiously and cautiously I walked toward the crowd.

"Boo!" Mia throws her arms around me and I jump back.

"Don't do that again! I thought I was being jumped or something!" I look at Mia angrily.

"Sorry love, did you see what just happened?" Mia changes the subject.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Camila broke up with her boyfriend just now! That ain't the crazy part, she just basically told everyone she was gay! You might have a chance with her!" Mia playfully nudges me. "I was kidding. Why is all the color fading away from you? Y/N you can't die on me!" She pinches me.

"Ouch." I put my hands behind my back away from Mia. "How are you and your boyfriend?" I suddenly question her.

"Why'd ya change the su-" Mia starts talking but I cut her off.

"This was a great talk now don't get drunk and I'll be right back!" I walk backwards away from Mia until I'm out of sight and make my way to the bathroom.

I walk into the bathroom where I assumed Camila would be and in my thought I trip over something.

"Oh!" I catch myself last second before hitting the ground and angrily look back at what caused me to trip.

"I'm so s-" The girl pauses like the words suddenly got stuck in her throat once she saw me.

"Camila are you crying?" I ask worriedly.

"No no! This is just water!" She covers her face with the sleeves of her shirt.

"I'm not dumb." I grab her hands and remove them from her face and stare into her brown eyes. "So I heard you put on a show earlier."

The girl looks down at her lap and I soften my grip on her. I sit in silence near the girl not knowing what to say.

"Hey Y/N." Camila whispers, I look at her shocked as to how she knew my name causing her to smile.

"How'd you know my name?" I ask.

"Didn't I tell you that I was interested in you?" She scratches her head.

"You're weird." I sighed and stared at the small girl.

"I get that a lot." She pushes herself off the ground and then helps me up. "I think I'll head to the dorm, i'm not a big fan of parties."

"Should I walk you? It's getting pretty da-" Camila places her finger on my mouth causing me to stop talking.

"You said so yourself, it'd be bad if we were seen together silly!" She laughs and walks out of the bathroom.

I walk out of the bathroom shortly after and Camila was long gone. I wonder if she's really over her boyfriend, and why did she use my words against me? I was in mid sigh before some grabs me and starts dragged me through the club.

"We're leaving." Mia states as she angrily drags me out of the club.

"Let me it your boyfriend?" I roll my eyes already knowing the answer.

"I don't have a boyfriend." She puffs out her cheeks.

"Not anymore." I add in.

She stops at the bus stop and sits down and stretches, accidentally hitting the person near her.

"Oh i'm sorry!" Mia looks over and I follow her gaze we both freeze. "That was an accident I swear!" She whines and Camila laughs at her.

"It's fine! Chill Mia." She continues laughing.

"Oh my god she know's my name!" Mia looks over at me happily.

"Mia she's not a celebrity!" I place my hand on my hip and stare at Mia who still looks happy.

"She's going to be on x-factor so she's going to be famous soon." Mia wraps her arm around Camila.

The bus arrives and we all get on. I sit in the middle and the two girls on either side of me. I have a feeling that this is going to be a long bus ride even though it should only take 30 minutes.

"Camila what are you going to sing?" Mia asks Camila.

"Respect by Aretha." She replies.

"Oh cool!" Mia yells over me to Camila.

"You know if you guys want to talk I could switch with Mia so you wouldn't have to yell over me." I start getting up but Camila pulls me back down.

"No! I like sitting next to you." Camila mumbles.

"Should I be offended?" Mia looks confused at the both of us.

We both start laughing.

"No it's just th-" Knowing what Camila was about to say I cover her mouth with my hand.

"It's just that I'm amazing you know?" I continue for her.

Mia looks at the both of us suspiciously.

"Whatever you say Y/N." Mia sits back in her seat and starts singing, Camila joins soon after. They weren't singing for real, I knew they were trying to get me mad but I will not give in and give them the reaction they want.

I close my eyes and sigh. Suddenly I felt some warmth against my hand, I look down to find Camila's hand in mine. I look up at her and I can tell she was avoiding eye contact with me and stopped singing. I couldn't help but to let out a small laugh.

Yeah, this is going to be a long ride.

Not That Kinda Girl (Camila/You)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora