Chapter 4

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After what felt like an eternity the bus arrives at our stop and so I get off and walk ahead of the two girls leaving them behind. It's pitch black and to make matters worse there was nobody else on the street, it was dead silent. I start walking faster to campus not wanting to be in this area any longer.

Suddenly I hear running so I look back to see Mia and Camila running toward me without any sign of stopping. They both grab me and drag me to campus.

When we walk onto campus they let go of me and collapse to the ground.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys? I thought someone was running up on me." I sigh and look at the two girls who are out of breath.

"The street just was creepy and we kept hearing things." Mia says with pauses almost in between every word.

I look over at Camila who was quiet and wasn't as out of breath anymore. She looks up at me tiredly and gives me a weak smile before walking up to me and standing up on her tip toes to reach my height and then gives me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Goodnight." She whispers before walking off toward the dorms.

I watch as the small girl walks away as I place my hand over my cheek. I never noticed how cute she was until after today. I normally shut other people out and so people give up on getting to know me pretty quickly. So I don't bother with paying attention to such small things as to how they look like. Mia's probably the only person I let in so quickly, she's like that annoying friend you always have. She can be trusted and gives off a positive aura, I've noticed it ever since I met her. I may be mean toward her but she knows I love her.

"No comment." She says, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I look at her confused.

"I have nothing to say about how Camila Cabello just kissed you on the cheek." She stares straight into my eyes.

"It was nothing! It's just like how you kiss me on the cheek all the time." I state before walking toward the dorm.

"But you push me away! You didn't push her away!" Mia whines.

"Yeah because she isn't you." I hold the door open and walk up the stairs.

"That's a compliment right?" Mia asks.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I reply as I open the door to our dorm and start getting ready for bed.

I suddenly open my eyes and look at the clock which says 5:00A.M. I've always had trouble sleeping ever since I turned 11. Usually it took two hours or sometimes even more to fall asleep. Sometimes when I'm lucky I fall asleep right away, but then I wake up in the middle of the night or really early in the morning and it would be impossible to go back to sleep. For example of what just happened.

I throw on a sweater and quietly walk out of the dorm room and slowly walk through the halls. I walk by one door where I hear humming and a soft strum of a guitar. I look over at the door and the board next to it.

Every dorm has a small white board where we can write appropriate messages or even draw something it's pretty weird and most people don't follow the rule where it has to be appropriate.

I squint at the board trying to make out what the scribbles meant. Maybe it was some kind of signature but all I see is a huge ass 'C' with a scribble. On the bottom it read 'love only' with what I think is a drawing of a rose.

Suddenly the door opens and I continue walking to not look like a creep.

"Wait!" A familiar voice yells behind me.

I look back to see Camila in a pink robe standing near the door I was just at.

"D-did you hear anything?" Camila shyly stumbles over her words.

"Nothing beside you humming and playing your guitar." I reply which makes the girl sigh in relief.

"So where are you going?" She asks normally.

"Just a walk around campus since I can't sleep." I reply as I run my hand through my hair.

"Oh bummer! I can't go to sleep either, maybe we can go to sleep together. Wait! I mean like- I won't do anything to you! I just-" Camila turns a hot pink as I burst out laughing.

"I-its not funny!" Camila bites her lip in frustration.

"So I'm assuming you want to sleep with me?" I ask with a laugh.

"I just like sleeping with people. Wait! That came out wrong too! I just really like cuddling and falling asleep next to someone I trust!" She sighs.

"Yeah don't worry I get it. I'll sleep with you maybe I'll daze off too." I walk toward the girl who steps aside for me to walk into the dorm.

I sit down on the bed and observe the shy girl standing before me.

"Do you go to sleep in just a robe?" I bite my lip as the girl sits beside me.

"Yes why? Do you want me to take it off?" The girl asks as she looks down at her chest.

"No, I'd like it if you kept it on." I reply while I take off my big sweater which looked like a dress on me. Who knew what I would do if a cute girl like her basically stripped in front of me.

Cute? Why am I calling her cute? She's just someone who's interested in me, but she'll end up like the rest. I know she will give up.

Remembering I go to sleep in just a tank top and obviously a pair of underwear, I look over at the girl who was changing into different shades of red.

"If you're uncomfortable I don't mind putting my sweater back on." I study Camila's face.

"No." She states as she crawls into bed beside me.

"You sure?" I ask.

Camila lays down and tugs on my tank top, I lay down beside her. We both just stare at each other before I decide to say something.

"Why are you trusting me so much, how do you know I won't do anything?" I ask.

"I just know." She replies shortly.

"You're so trusting and're going to get hurt again." I whisper.

"I know but you're different." Camila wraps her arm around me and buries her head into the crook of my neck.

"I'm really not." I mumble sadly as I stroke the hair of the brunette.

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