Chapter 7

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Your P.O.V

I lay in bed bing watching Pretty Little Liars. Mia  is making me watch it and so far it's pretty good.

Knock knock

"Mia?" I look over at the door.

Knock knock

I groan as I sit up and place my laptop to the side. I walk to the door and opened it.

"Am I interrupting something?" Camila asks.

"No, well..." 

"Here." She takes out a folded piece of paper and hands it to me. "Read it when I'm not in sight." She blushes as she takes a step toward me and wraps her arms around my neck. She pushes me back as the door closes behind us. I place my hand on her waist and lean in to kiss her. 

A moan escapes Camila before she pushes me onto the bed.

"You asked for this." She starts taking off her shirt and pants. I smirk at her as she sits down on my lap.

"You sure you wanna go through with this?" I ask and she nods.

I take off my shirt and Camila's sports bra and threw it somewhere in the room.

I watch as the girl kicks off her shoes and pushes me down against the bed. Camila turns red while she looks down at me. I stroke her cheek before pulling her down into a kiss. I slide my shorts off and then flip onto Camila so I'm straddling her. She shakes her head and pushes me back down to get onto me.

"We'll continue this when I get back." She whispers. 

"You can't do that." I whine.

"I just did." She kisses me one last time before she quickly puts her clothes on and walks out. 

I sigh as I pick up the folded paper that fell beside my bed. I unfold it and read what was written:

Hello Y/N,

I normally do not write letters so this might be a little bit awkward. Well, at least for me. Also don't mind any grammar mistakes. I'm going to miss you. Like a lot. I'm going to miss staring at you in the cafeteria. I'm going to miss your laugh and your smile. I always think of you but now I that I'll be away I won't be able to see you physically. You're really confusing Y/N. I don't know what you think of me or if you even like me, but I fucking love you.

I had to switch pens because I lost the other one hence the change of color ink. You know that feeling in your stomach when your genuinely really happy. That's what I feel when I'm around you. Whenever you smile I have butterflies in my stomach. Longing that one day I'll be the reason for that smile. I know you have a short term memory and don't remember the people that you don't really talk to but I'll always remember you. In fact you were the girl who stood up against the girls who were bullying me in elementary school even though you were bullied yourself. You did the same thing for me in middle school when people were calling me names while I was walking through the hallway. You told them to stop being jealous that I'll be more successful than them one day. That soon they're going to regret it and beg for my forgiveness. Then in high school everything switched around and you were right. Now I'm in such a good place in college surrounded by people who respect me. I'm "popular" and they're nothing to me. Thanks to you I built up confidence to stand up for myself and that made me who I am today. 

You still might still not remember me but that's okay. When I first saw you I recognized you right away and well, I fell in love with you again. I don't know if the feeling is mutual but I hope you give me a chance when I come back from x factor. I'm going to sing a different song and it's going to be dedicated to you so I hope you'll watch me.  Please contact me from time to time.

                                                                                                              Love C,

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