"Nygma Seeks Revenge"

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"It was you," Ed said in a flat voice, though his gaze burned with barely-hidden fury.

"What was me?" Oswald squeaked as the blood in his veins turned to ice. He was usually so good at keeping his cool....

Ed walked the rest of the way into the room and shut the door smoothly behind him, before he said in a deceptively calm voice, "The brakes were tampered with, I saw evidence of it myself. Not long after that I found someone that claims they saw a man matching Gabe's description outside her home just before she left. You need to hire smarter help; that mouth-breather is a horrible liar. The one thing that I can't figure out, though, is why."

Oswald was painfully aware that they were alone, locked up in this room in a nearly empty house where he doubted anyone could hear him if he yelled for help. "What exactly do you think I did?"

"What did you do?" Ed seemed genuinely surprised by that response.

Oswald looked up at him and caught a brief glimpse of the pain he had caused the man he loved. For the tiniest moment Edward's defenses dropped, showing how deeply he hurt from Oswald merely giving a basic order. He felt his heart sink at the sight. Whatever he had tried to do, and whatever the Penguin had wanted...it was made worthless by the look of utter heartbreak in Nygma's eyes.

"Ed, I..." Oswald started, but he couldn't finish the sentence, not with Ed glaring down at him suddenly with all the hatred in the world.

"What did you do?" Ed repeated. After a moment of silence he took several long strides forward, grabbed Oswald by the collar of his suit jacket, and roared, "YOU. KILLED. ISABELLA!"

Out of nowhere Ed's fist struck Oswald in the face, sending him sprawling over his desk. Ed wasn't exactly the brawling type, but compared to Oswald he was clearly the stronger, more physically capable man. But Oswald realized that he had no desire to fight back, not after what he'd done.

He refused to resist even as he was yanked away from the desk and thrown roughly to the floor. The only thing he did in response was curl into the fetal position to the best of his ability and hide the tears that started to form at the corners of his eyes. A moment later Ed kicked him hard in the ribs, making him whimper softly in pain, but even as Ed kicked him again, Oswald started crying more for the emotional pain he had caused than the physical pain that he was enduring. He deserved every hit, so he accepted each blow in the hopes that, in the very least, Ed could feel better by hurting him.

Then Edward bent down to grab a handful of Oswald's hair and yanked his head back so that he could growl into his ear, "I did everything for you. Why would you do this to me, after everything I did to help you!?" When Oswald failed to answer Ed slammed his face into the floor. He cried out, but still made no move to fight back or even defend himself. "You won't deny it. You won't even fight back! Are you just trying to sit back and enjoy watching me suffer?"

Ed hefted him onto his feet and kneed him in the stomach. Then he struck him hard in the face again, throwing Oswald against the wall where he stood silently while the tears began to stream down his face. Ed barely noticed him crying through the red haze that clouded his vision, and even then he hardly cared.

He got up close to Oswald's face, pressing his shoulders painfully against the wall, and screamed, "YOU STOLE THE ONE THING I LOVED AWAY FROM ME, AFTER EVERYTHING I'VE DONE FOR YOU!!! She was the love of my life, and you murdered her! But a worthless BASTARD like you obviously has no concept of love!"

At that Oswald slid into a sitting position, clutching his head in his hands as he sobbed loudly. "I-I'm so sorry Ed! So, so sorry..."

"You're sorry!?" Ed kicked him in the face and Oswald spat blood as he collapsed onto the floor. "You're sorry that you killed an innocent young woman and my last chance at love, or because I'm going to BEAT YOU TO DEATH!?"

Edwald Nygmobblepot One-ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz