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I apologize if any of this is weird or out of character or full of mistakes (again) but I was writing this at 3am nice! :P Also, this idea was given to me by a person whose wattpad account was dedication goes to the one who is no longer with less beautiful piece of Gotham Trash to peruse this site...

is it my fault? Did my fanfiction permanently scare them away from this website forever? I sincerely apologize for my tired weirdness but it can't be helped. Please ignore me and enjoy the story! XP

But quick comment: my friend trixy-kitty1402 wrote an "Arrow" fanfiction and my friend unicorn-kitty1234 wrote a "Supernatural" fanfiction if you want to check them out. I honestly haven't read much of either, but they would love it if you checked their stories out if you're interested. :)

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Edward asked concernedly as they left the restaurant.

"It was a wonderful dinner," Oswald admitted shyly.

He and Ed had only recently confessed their feelings for each other, and he was surprised that the taller man returned his affections. This was their first official date, and being out in public as a couple, even if it wasn't completely obvious, made Oswald a bit uncomfortable. Ed could clearly tell. He, on the other hand, was overjoyed that they had finally become an official couple, and wanted the world to know it.

"You don't have to be worried," Edward assured. He stopped their walking for a moment to place a gentle kiss on the top of the Penguin's head, and the smaller man blushed in response. "No one can stand between us now."

He was a bit more hopeful at the words, but with still-rosy cheeks Oswald nodded and continued walking down the sidewalk. Ed quickly caught up with him, but made sure to slow his pace for Oswald to comfortably keep up, what with his smaller legs and painful limp. Then Ed stuck his hand out, not the least bit reserved or inconspicuous about it.

Oswald stared for a moment, but, biting his lip, he eventually decided to take his hand. At that Ed grinned, and neither of them said anything about the matter. But Oswald realized that it was oddly comforting to be holding Ed's hand as they walked. Almost natural, even. Yes, Ed was his boyfriend. He began to feel like he could be proud of their relationship, and soon he was smiling as big as Edward was.

Then they heard someone wolf-whistling from an alleyway. Oswald turned so fast to see who it was that Ed barely had time to notice that it had happened. But there they saw a man standing in an alley, with another standing behind him cackling with laughter at his friend's little humor.

Once again Oswald's face turned dark red, but with a little nudge from Ed he turned away and they continued walking away. There was a soft clink as something-a beer can, probably-hit the back of Oswald's head perfectly. His shoulders tensed immediately; his hand twitched in anger and he whirled to face them again.

The man called out, "Ooh look out! Little lover boy looks maaaaaad!"

His friend paused in his laughing to add, "You were right they look gay as hell."

"Don't worry," Ed said quickly, putting a hand on Oswald's shoulder as he said, "I will handle this."

Oswald frowned as Ed quickly ran ahead to go talk to the men, or whatever it was he was planning to do. Even if he wanted to do something, Oswald would only embarrass himself by trying to wobble over there. So he stood in place, red-faced and heart pounding, as he simply watched Edward approach them calmly. How mature, but stupid: he would just talk to them and end up embarrassing both of them more. So Oswald gritted his teeth and began to walk towards them anyway, slowly.

Edwald Nygmobblepot One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now