Caskett Forever

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Author's note: hey this is my first story so if u guys could help me out and give me ideas in the comments!

Castle's pov

*After the big fight (season 4 ALWAYS)*

" I just don't know mother it was really real, she was really pissed with me, I just wanted to protect her.", I explained to my mother. " Well Richard you can't always protect her." " I just love her so much", I screamed. "Well I have to go out to the Hamptons with Alexis so don't do anything irrational, darling" " OK mother see u later tell Alexis that I love her and wish I could be there, I nicely demanded.

Beckett's POV

After the fight with rick I was really pissed off but I knew that going to work on a case would calm me down, I thought to my self. * Phone rings* "hey espo what's the news, anything new on the case?" I asked eagerly. " yeah we got a trace on the guy!" 'K I'll be right there" I practically yelled in the phone. After a 10 minute drive to the 12th I was finally there. Then I had to drive to the building where he was spotted. * 1 hour later* BOOM! I was dangling off a building! All I could think about was how much I wanted to kiss castle. " CASTLE, CASTLE" I screamed when I heard foot steps.

Ryan's POV

Beckett had been gone on the roof top for a long time I decided to go look for her to see if she was ok. " CASTLE,CASTLE" I heard Beckett scream. I ran up to where she was dangling, her makeup was smeared with tears and she was barely holding on to the edge. " No Kate I'm sorry he's not here he called he said he had enough research he is not coming back anymore. What happen to you two?" I asked politely. " well we had a major fight" Kate said as I pulled her up on the surface.

Beckett's POV

As Ryan pulled me up I explained the whole fight to him. ( to see the whole fight watch season 4 finale of castle ALWAYS!) Then I turned to see captain gates standing over on the other side of the roof staring at me with disappointment and anger in her eyes. After we got back to the 12th I was called into captain gates office with espo. " Yes captain" I asked trying to sound professional. " That was a dangerous stunt you pulled out there detective Beckett, and the fact that you helped her detective Esposito is not any better." she lectured us. Then she hit us she said......

Author Note keep reading to see what happens to Beckett and Esposito and castle. Vote and comment for the next chapter ( 5 votes for next chapter)

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