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They arrived at the hospital, and went inside.They told the nurse it wasn't an emergency. When Kate passed out, and fell to the floor!

"We need a gurney over here!!!", the nurse yelled to another nurse

"Is she going to be okay!?", rick said with worry in his voice

"I don't know sir. it need to step back so the doctors can work!", the nurse said

Within seconds there were doctors and nurses surrounding Kate.Castle was getting really worried. he called the 12th, Lanie, Alexis, and Martha. they all rushes right down to the hospital.

"Hello sir, I'm Kate's doctor, she is going to be okay she was dehydrated so that caused her to pass out.", The doctor said leading rick to Kate's room.

"Did you give her an ultrasound?",rick said going over to Kate.

"No not yet, but I'll have a nurse give her one.", the doctor said walking out

"Thank you doctor!", rick said

"No problem, Kate can go home tomorrow we just want to keep an eye on her over night.", then he left

Caskett ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora