Resting In Secret

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Chapter One

“Rowen! Get back here!” I hissed at him.

Of course he wouldn’t listen. He was always looking for reasons to try to confront our master about our sale so that we would be let free. The laws of the Conclave states that if a slave has reason to believe or evidence of a false or non-existent sale they shall be let free from their master and their service. Rowen seemed desperate to believe that our father wouldn’t have sold us, to a lycan no less, but I knew better. I knew that I was sold, but Rowen had been taken by our master. He was free to go to the Conclave and claim false sale. Our master wouldn’t have been able to prove a sale was made. I hadn’t told him because I knew he’d hunt down our father, thinking that he’d given Rowen to our master. I refused to think about what he might do to him if he found him.

“You!” he was running towards our master by the time I had summoned the courage to go after him. When my master’s eyes found me I stopped where I was, too scared to move. What would he do now? He'd been in a bad mood all day and he always seemed to take his anger out on Rowen. “You never bought me!”

My eyes watered at Rowen’s words; I was going to lose my big brother. There was a member of the Conclave in the room, staring at my big brother with amused eyes. It made me wonder if he’d known since the day my sale was made. It wouldn’t surprise me.

“Very good, you insolent boy,” Our master’s voice was cold. “I didn’t buy you. You’re good for nothing human father gave you to me for free.”

Rowen turned to the Conclave member, choosing to ignore our master’s words.

“He didn’t buy my sister and I. It was a non-existent sale. We’re free to go, right?” he asked with a smug smile on his face. I didn’t realize I had actually started to cry until I saw my master standing in front of me. His eyes weren’t cold like they were a few minutes ago, and judging by his stance he wasn’t going to harm me. Even when his hand was raised in the air and it started for my face I knew he wasn’t going to hit me. He never did unless he was truly reprimanding me.

I was right; he hit his other hand instead of me. I stumbled back a few steps and held my hand to my cheek for show. I didn’t want him to get in trouble with the Conclave. If he did, then he really would hit me.

“Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about.” His voice wasn’t cold like it was when he was addressing my brother either. I smiled a little at that.

“I’m sorry sir.” I said quietly. He pulled my hand from my cheek and stroked it affectionately.

“Go wait for me in my private quarters.” His voice was velvety.

“Yes sir.” My smile grew bigger.

As I made my way through the labyrinth halls I thought about what it meant for me to be ordered to his private quarters. The other female slaves were ordered there for sex—that was a rare occurrence now though. But he only ordered me there when he just wanted someone to talk to. That didn’t mean we’d never had sex, it just mean that I wasn’t used for it. My thoughts turned to his age as I opened the door to the lavish room we’d lounge in while he talked to me. He was only twenty. Yet he owned more humans than any other lycan in the territory; excluding the royal family of course.

My eighteenth birthday was in two days, not that anyone other than my brother knew it, nor would they care if they did. I was just barely only two years younger than him. Just barely….

I sat on the black and white striped blanket that covered his bed. I was still lost in thought when he opened the door himself and stepped through it. It took me a moment to notice him but when I did I walked over to him and just stood in front of him. I had to let him make the first move.

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