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We wait outside the dance studio. Hakyeon is so exited. He keeps rocking back and forth on his feet.

"Are you ready to go in? Our class begins in 5 minutes" he questions me. "It's now or never" I say and we head in.

The lady at the desk points us towards a black door. We thank her and enter the room.

It is a huge dance studio. There are mirrors covering the whole wall on the opposite side to the door. There are speakers in the 4 corners of the room and a laptop on a small table.

There is about 12 other people scattered about, talking and warming up.

Hakyeon looks around and suddenly rushes over to the other side of the room. "Jaehwan!" He he yells with joy as he hugs someone.

I walk over to see a tall man with blond hair. He has glasses on.

"Ah Sanghyuk, this is Jaehwan. He is my friend. We have been in the same dance class for 10 years now" Hakyeon introduces me.

"Hi" Jaehwan extends his hand and I shake it.

The door to the studio opens and everyone falls silent as someone enters the room.

No way. It's not them is it. It can't be.

(A/N don't judge me for who they are! They are really good dancers okay? :))

Moon Jongup walks to the computer with Zelo behind him. They are really famous singers and dancers. They are really good at what they do.

"Hello class. I am Jongup and this is Zelo. We will just do a quick name check and then we will get started" he says and begins to call our names.


"Y-yes" I stutter.

"Do you like him or something?" Jaehwan asks me. "Jongup and Zelo are legends. I'm a bit star struck right now" I admit to him and he laughs.

"Don't get too happy. They are really strict. Especially on newbies" he tells me and I don't even care.

I just cannot believe that our dance instructors are the absolute best that there is.

"Okay! Let's get started. Hakyeon! Jimin! Come up the front please" Jongup calls.

Hakyeon walks up and this other brown haired man walks up to his side.

"Can you demonstrate the chorus of Blood, Sweat and Tears please" Jongup asks and plays the music through the speakers.

As soon as the sound begins to play, I see a completely different side of Hakyeon. That cheerful man who is always happy suddenly has a face filled with concentration.

He dances so well. His body just flows with the beat. Not only that but he is in perfect time with Jimin. They are really good.

The music stops and we all give them a round of applause.

"Okay. Hakyeon and Jimin just demonstrated how you need to be in sync when dancing with another person. That is what we will be working on today" Jongup explains.

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