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"They found a body."

I slowly stand and Wonshik doesn't let go of me as we head to the morgue. He is dead. Sanghyuk is dead and it is my fault.

We arrive and they take us to a table which has body in a black bag on it. "Are you ready?" The man asks.

I don't answer. I will never be ready to look at Sanghyuk's dead body. What kind of question is that?

He unzips the bag to reveal the persons face. I burst into tears and turn into Wonshik's chest.

"It isn't him" I sob. I don't know who that boy is but it isn't Sanghyuk. Thank the lord. I really thought that it was going to be him in that bag.

"Thank you" the man zips the bag again and we head back to Jaehwan's house.

"It wasn't him" Hakyeon tells him as we enter the house. "He might still be alive" I say to Wonshik and he just tightens his grip on me.

While I'm relieved I am worried. He isn't dead but that means that he could be going through torture. I really hope that he is okay.

Oh god. What have I done?

Sanghyuk's POV

I barely budge as he whips me continuously. I've become numb to the pain. My hair is soaked through with sweat.

I keep my eyes closed firmly as he beats me. I have run out of tears to shed. I have no voice left to scream with.

After what seems like an eternity he stops.

"I'll see you in the morning kiddo" he says and leaves the room. He leaves the lights turned on.

The table full of weapons sits in front of me. Everything hurts so much. I try to think of Hongbin and all the times that we were happy together.

I may never get to see that fool again. I don't want that to happen. I want to seem at least one more time. That's all I want. Too see his smile which shows his many dimples.

That look of worry that covers his face whenever I am trouble or injured. That look of anger when someone hurts me or upsets him. That look of sadness when he loses someone. That look of lust when he looks at me.

Just one more time.

Hongbin's POV

Tortured. He is probably in unbearable pain right now, waiting for me to break down those doors and save him.

How am I meant to save him? I have no idea where he is nor who took him.

He does not deserve any of this. I wish that psycho took me instead. I'd be able to live with myself then at least. I would know that he was okay and that he would live.

He is going to lose faith with me soon. It has been 24 hours and there is still nothing. There isn't much chance of getting him alive now.

I know I have lost faith in myself. How can you have faith when all you can do is sit on the sidelines?

Wonshik hasn't left my side this whole time. I wonder if Jaehwan is jealous. That isn't what I should be thinking.

Wonshik is just being a caring friend. I don't know what I would do if he wasn't here and helping me through all of this.

Then again I don't know how I am getting through all of this. There are no promises that Sanghyuk will be coming back to me.

I refuse to eat. It's the least I can do. As long as Sanghyuk is suffering I shall starve myself. I'll eat just enough to keep me alive until he is back or until we have found his body.

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