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A/N - This chapter is a bit boring.. sorry

I run my fingers through my hair as I wait to hear about Sanghyuk. Wonshik and Hakyeon got here a few minutes ago.

This came out of no where. He better be okay. I don't know if I can lose anyone else.

"I knew we should have told you" Hakyeon curses. "Told me what?" I ask him. "In class today, Sanghyuk had a panic attack and passed out for over an hour. Zelo gets these attacks himself and explained that the attacks can get worse and there is a possibility that his heart could stop" he explains and I shake my head.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Sanghyuk didn't want me too."

"Sometimes you need to ignore his wishes and tell me! I wouldn't have taken him out if I knew" I exclaim. "I'm sorry Hongbin" he apologises.

"Hongbin" a doctor calls as he enters the waiting room. We all rush over to him. "Sanghyuk is stable and awake. He is fine to go home. Give him these tablets. Take 1 pill twice a day, preferably with food. These will hopefully stop the attacks."

"Thank you" we thank him and Sanghyuk walks out of the emergency. I run over to him and wrap my arms around him tightly. He hugs me back.

"Thank god you're okay" I mutter into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry for not telling you" he apologises. "I love you Sanghyuk. Don't ever do that to me again" I tell him.

"I love you too Hongbin."


"Twice a day, preferably with food so breakfast and dinner. That will work" I explain as I give Sanghyuk the small container of pills.

"When I was little, I always enjoyed having pills in these containers, it made me feel as though I was taking drugs. Just like the movies" he laughs at the memory.

I smile at him. "You need to rest. It's really late."

"Stay with me. Please" he pleads. I smirk and crawl under the blankets with him. I wrap my arms around his waist kiss his forehead.

"You really scared me" I say. "I'm sorry" he apologises again. I pull him closer towards me and smile.

"Go to sleep" I tell him and he grins before closing his eyes. A few moments later he is snoring.

Wonshik's POV

"Wonshik! What's wrong?" Jaehwan greets me. "Sanghyuk is sick. He has started to get life threatening panic attacks" I tell him and he wraps his arms around me.

"Is he going to be okay?" He asks. "He has pills that he has to take. They are meant to help but there is still the risk that his heart could stop at any moment during an attack" I frown and hold back my tears.

I never thought I would get this upset over that kid. At one point I hated him for taking Hongbin away from me.

He has grown on me. I hate to say but I actually like Sanghyuk.

"Come in. Sit down please" he steps aside from the doorway and I enter. He lives in an apartment. I follow him to a small living room which has a single two seater couch with a small tv on the wall opposite it.

I sit next to him and he holds my hands firmly. "I'm sorry Wonshik. I don't know what to say" he frowns and I shake my head.

"You don't have to say anything. You being here for me is enough."

"Do you want a drink or something?" He asks me. "Just a glass of water please" I tell him and he lets go of my hands and heads to what I suppose is the kitchen.

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