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A/N - There is quite a few POV changes so pay attention. I hope it isn't too confusing.

Hongbin's POV

"We have to get Hakyeon out of that room" I whine to Sanghyuk. He sits beside me and fiddles with my hair.

"Your bruises are almost gone. Your face is almost normal" he states. "Don't change the subject" I say.

He frowns slightly and stops playing with my hair. "There is something I have to tell you."

"What is it? Is everything okay?" I ask him, suddenly concerned. "I have been giving Hakyeon proper meals each morning. I wait until you and Wonshik have left for work or get up before you guys" he explains.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Why was he keeping this to himself? Didn't he trust me?

"Hakyeon asked me to keep quiet. He told me that the room still smelt of Taekwoon. That was the last thing he had of his. That and the ring. I think he feels that Taekwoon will truly be gone once he leaves that room."

"You should have told me earlier" I sigh. "I'm sorry Hongbin" he apologises. "Don't apologise. Let's get him out of there. I don't care if that's all he has left of his boyfriend. He needs to take care of himself" I say and we head to his bedroom door.

I knock on it and there is no response.

"Hakyeon we know your in there" I yell. Silence. He is ignoring us. "Please at least come get some food. Even just step outside for a few seconds to get some fresh air."

I go to open the door but Sanghyuk grabs my arm. "Don't barge in."

"What other choice do I have?" I shake his arm off and open the door. Hakyeon sits on the floor holding one of Taekwoon's shirts against his face.

"Hongbin. Leave" he mutters. "Hakyeon. I am really worried about you. This isn't normal" I walk over to him.

"Please. Please" he pleads.

I sit beside him. "I know it's hard. We are all upset as well. Taekwoon was like the brother that none of us had. We all miss him so much."

"I don't know how to live without him. I sound like I'm over reacting but it's true. We moved in within a week of each other. Before that I lived at home. I've never been alone before Hongbin. I don't know if I can do it" he explains quietly.

"You aren't alone. You have us. Come on Hakyeon" I try to convince him.

He nods slowly and I help him stand. "You need to take a shower" I say softly. "I'll go" I walk him to the bathroom and let him shut the door behind him.

"I can't believe you got him out of that room" Sanghyuk says in disbelief. "I seem to have a skill at convincing people" I smile.

"It's good that you did that. It will really help him I'm sure of it" he tells me.

"I know. Let's go and buy some breakfast for us all. We can't cook and he needs a proper meal" I suggest. He nods and we put our shoes on.

Hakyeon's POV

I turn on the water and sit on the floor of the shower. I just let the water pour over me.

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