
306 24 14

A/N mild smut warning

Hongbin smiles as he sees a woman with long brown hair extend her hand towards him.

She looks tired, exhausted. She wears long black pants and a black top with a grey coat. She has black heels on as well.

Junghwa. It's Junghwa.

She's wearing the exact clothes that she was wearing the day that she died.

So is Hongbin.

But he isn't dead.


He walks towards my sister and goes to take her extended hand.

"No!" I yell. As soon as he takes her hand and walks away with her, he will be gone.

He looks at me with a gaze filled with sorrow.

"I can't Sanghyuk. I'm tired" he frowns. "You can't take her hand! You won't come back!" I tell him.

He turns back to Junghwa and just as their fingers brush I yell, "I need you!"

He freezes and goes to turn towards me again when Junghwa begins to shake. She falls to the ground just as I wake up.


I wake up on the end of Hongbin's bed. I must have fallen asleep here last night.

The door opens and I turn to see Hakyeon and Wonshik walk in.

"Your awake" he exclaims. I nod and rub my eyes. "Here anything about Taekwoon?" I ask him.

"It looks as though he will be okay. He will need to stay in the hospital for at least a month before he can come home with us though" he explains and I grin.

At least he will be okay. There isn't any promises with Hongbin.

Hongbin begins to make a choking noise. I immediately turn to him again to see that he is choking on the tube in his mouth.

Wonshik rushes into the hallway to call for help. A doctor rushes into the room.

He pulls the tube out and Hongbin stops moving.

"He isn't-" I begin but the doctor cuts me off. "He is breathing. He was choking on the tube. I think he has finally adjusted back to normal air" the doctor explains and I sigh a sigh of relief.

"Now we wait for him to wake up" he says.

"Who isn't awake?" Hongbin questions. His eyes have opened. I grab his hand and he smiles as he sees me.

"How are you feeling?" The doctor asks him. "My back is a bit tender and my throat is sore" he speaks whilst looking into my teary eyes. I must be a sobbing mess.

"Your back has several large bruises. Your friend was telling me that you fell onto the windshield when the car began to fall off the bridge. That is most likely why you have them. Your throat will be sore for a little bit as you have choked several times since your arrival" he tells him.

"When can he come home?" I ask. Not daring to break our eye contact.

"Tomorrow. We will just keep him in so we can watch him. He may start choking again. He needs to get lots of rest. His face is already bruised and so is his stomach. He is going to be one sore person" the doctor says and leaves the room.

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