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Sanghyuk's POV

Its dark and it's raining. Hongbin is still out there.

He found out that his brother was murdered. I can't imagine what that would be like.

He ran out of the hospital, straight past us with tears streaming down his cheeks.

We don't know where he is.

I am so worried. We are all extremely worried.

"Hongbin!" I yell out of the car window. We slowly drive up and down different streets, calling for him.

After driving for about 2 hours, I see him unconscious on the ground by the supermarket.

I jump out of the car while it is still moving and run over to him. "Hongbin!" I yell.

His cheeks are wet from his tears. He takes a deep breath. He's fallen asleep.

Thank god.

Hakyeon stops the car and they all rush to see what's happened. "Let's take him home" Hakyeon says softly.

I gently place one arm beneath his legs and my other beneath his back. I lift him up and carry him into the car.

We drive back to the house and I carry him to his room. I gently place him down on his bed.

"Don't ever do that again" I mutter to myself. "You had me worried sick."

He stirs slightly and opens his eyes for a second before closing them again.

I find my finger tracing his jawline. I take it back to see a speck of blood on my finger.

I tilt his head up to see a small cut beneath his chin. I rush to the bathroom and grab the first aid kit.

I dab it with a cotton bud before putting anti bacteria on it. I then put a bandaid on it and sigh.

The goofball hurt himself.

I pull the blankets up to his chest before leaving the room.

Hakyeon talks with Taekwoon in the kitchen.

"Is he okay?" Hakyeon asks me. "Yes" I say hoarsely. "Are you okay?" Taekwoon asks me and I raise my gaze to meet his.

I nod slowly.

"Where's Wonshik?"

Hakyeon sighs and leans against the bench. "He is in his room. He went straight there when we got home. He's really worried."

"All we can do is wait for Hongbin to wake up. The best thing to do is to act normal and only talk about it if he wants to" Taekwoon says and we all nod in agreement.

I feel really bad for him. He's been searching for so long and now his brother is dead.

I walk over to the couch and I see Wonshik walk into Hongbin's room.

I sigh and grab the remote.

Hongbin's POV

"You had me worried sick" Sanghyuk says softly, concerned. Worried? Why was Sanghyuk worried about me?

He barely knows me.

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