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A/N - Smut warning

Sanghyuk's POV

I cannot wait to get out of this hospital. Hongbin was wrong. These beds do not get anymore comfortable. I've been here for almost a week now.

Hongbin has only left to use the bathroom and to get food from the cafeteria. Every night Hakyeon brings proper food. Well, take away but anything is better than this hospital food.

It's almost midnight and Hongbin is asleep in his chair. I cannot fall asleep. I'm simply not tired.

I miss the house. I miss my bed so much. I never realised how comfortable that single bed was. Hongbin looks exhausted. He has bigger bags then I do.

I've tried to send him home so he can get a proper nights rest but he refuses to leave my side. All the more reason to get out of the hospital. I'm worried about his health.

My ears begin to ring softly. I haven't had an attack since when I was in the woods. I look at Hongbin who's sound asleep and take deep breaths.

I need these attacks to stop. They cause my chest wounds to ache as well.

I groan in pain and Hongbin wakes instantly. "Sanghyuk" he exclaims and grabs my hand. I squeeze it with all my might.

"Breath Sanghyuk. Just breath" he tells me and I listen. The ringing stops and so does the pain in my chest.

"Are you okay?" He asks me. "I'm worried about you. You look exhausted and your health is deteriorating" I explain with a frown.

"I'm fine. You are the one that we should be worried about" he denies me. "Hongbin. You need to go home for just one night at least. Get a proper nights sleep instead of being in that chair" I try to convince him.

"But I promised that I wouldn't leave your side" he retorts and I roll my eyes. "I'm sure Hakyeon or Wonshik could stay one night in your stead. Even Jaehwan" I suggest.

"Would you stop worrying about me if I stayed at home for a night?" He asks and I nod quickly.

"Tomorrow I will speak to Hakyeon and Wonshik and I will go home for the night" he gives in and I grin.

"Thank you."

"I will be coming back first thing in the morning. You aren't getting rid of me" he assures and I giggle. "I will never want to get rid of you."


"Hakyeon is going to stay the night" Hongbin says as he hangs up the phone. He refused to even head to the house to talk to the guys. He is so stubborn.

"Good" I sigh and look out the window. "I cannot believe that you convinced me to do this" he says in disbelief.

"I have my ways of convincing people" I smirk. He stands and leans over me. He places his hands on either side of my face.

I look up into his eyes and he smiles. "It kills me that you are in a hospital bed" he says and I gasp as I feel him palm me through the blankets.

"It keeps me safe" I kiss him softly before pushing him away. "You are such a tease Han Sanghyuk" he shakes his head as he takes a seat again.

"That's all I can do from this bed" I admit.

Dinner quickly comes and Hakyeon and Wonshik bring pizza. Oh boy do I love pizza. I manage to eat half of a large one and Hongbin seems happy that I ate a lot.

I usually eat a whole large pizza but I guess this is a start. The time comes for Wonshik and Hongbin to leave.

"I will call you if anything happens" Hakyeon assures Hongbin. "I don't want to leave" Hongbin whines.

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