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Hongbin's POV

"What happened?" Hakyeon questions me as soon as I walk in the front door. "I sat in the park for a bit. I needed to take a breather" I explain.

"No, between you and Sanghyuk. He came home and he seemed pretty upset" he says and I instantly frown.

I didn't see him when I was out. I didn't even realise that he had gone out. Is he mad at me for leaving when he asked me to stay?

"I didn't see him. What did he say?"

"You didn't see him?" Taekwoon sends a glare my way. I put my hands up in surrender.

"I swear that I didn't see Sanghyuk at all while I was out. Just Wonshik" I try to convince them.

"Did anything happen between you and Wonshik?" Hakyeon pushes. "No. Why?"

"Sanghyuk said to ask you and Wonshik how it went" he tells me.

"How what went?" My voices raises slightly. "Sanghyuk likes you" Taekwoon says and my jaw drops.


"He went after you to confess. He came back almost in tears and told us to ask you and Wonshik how it went" Hakyeon explains.

"I'll go talk to him" I go to walk to his room when Hakyeon grabs my arm. "Did something happen between the two of you?"

"No. The kid probably just saw us together and freaked out" I try to hide it but then Sanghyuk opens his door.

"Stop lying! You kissed Wonshik! You kissed him!" He yells.

Hakyeon's eyes go wide. "Hongbin."

I feel a sudden wave of anger hit me.

"Way to go Sanghyuk" I mutter. "You couldn't keep your mouth shut could you!"

"I had nothing to keep silent about!" He retorts. "Aish. Why can't you just stay out of everyone else's business?!" I begin to scream.

"I'm sorry I didn't realise that it so private that you couldn't tell your friends but you could show the world!" He yells right back at me.

The next words that come out of my mouth will make me regret ever saying anything.

"I regret agreeing to let you move in! We would all be better off if you had just stayed homeless!"

"HONGBIN!" Taekwoon screams and pushes me against the wall.

Sanghyuk's lip trembles as he slowly processes what I just said. "I see." He says and goes to his room.

"That was too far" Taekwoon says. I glare at him and go to say something when Sanghyuk walks out again.

He holds a bag filled with clothes and his phone in the other hand. "You can have this back" he says and throws it at me. I don't even bother trying to catch it and watch as it smashes on the floor.

"Sanghyuk ah" Hakyeon tries to stop him as he swiftly walks to the front door.

"I'm sorry for being such a burden" is all he says before leaving.

Taekwoon lets go of my shirt and runs a hand through his hair before heading to his room.

Hakyeon stares at me in disbelief. "Do you feel better now? He's gone. Happy?" He then walks off as well.

I close my eyes and slide down the wall onto the floor. I pick up the smashed phone and press the power button.

The screen lights up to show a shattered lock screen with a photo of me and Sanghyuk. It was taken just the other day when we were at the movies.

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