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A/N sorry if there are incorrect medical terms in this chapter. I really know nothing about that kind of thing so please forgive me.

Thanks for reading!

Sanghyuk's POV

I wake up to my phone ringing. It's a blocked number so ignore it. I kick off the blankets and throw on a jumper before heading to the kitchen.

No one is there. Everyone must be asleep I go to Hongbin's room and gently open the door, not wanting to wake him.

I open it to see the blankets on the floor and his sheets all ruffled. His phone is still on the bedside table.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" I yell. There is no response.

I check everyone's rooms and no one is to be found.

Wonshik's phone is on the end of his bed. It looks as though he and Hongbin got up in a rush. However, Taekwoon's and Hakyeon's rooms look as though they haven't been slept in.

I hear my phone ringing and I rush to answer it.

"Hello?" I answer, my tone filled with concern. "Sanghyuk! Is everything okay?" Jaehwan says on the other end.

"Jaehwan? How did you get my number?" I didn't give it to him.

"Hakyeon hyung did. Is he there? I tried calling him but he didn't answer" he explains and I sigh. Of course Hakyeon gave him my number.

"No he isn't. No one is here and I don't know where they are. Wonshik and Hongbin's phones are still here" I tell him and I hear him sigh heavily.

"I'm just driving home from the dance studio" he says. I look at the time, "Why are you leaving so late?"

"I lost track of time" he chuckles. We don't talk for a few seconds. "I'm about to go over a bridge. There are people on it" he states.Suddenly I hear the car screech to a stop.

"Jaehwan? What's going on?" I ask, worried. "Hakyeon!" I hear him scream.

I think he left his phone in the car because his voice is really hard to hear. "Jaehwan" I hear Hakyeon say weakly.

I press the phone against my ear as tightly as I can. "HONGBIN!" I hear a familiar voice scream off the top of his lungs.

"Hongbin's in the water. He's trapped in the car" I hear Hakyeon explain to Jaehwan.

My heart stops.

Hongbin is trapped in a car which is underwater.

I immediately hang up and don't even bother putting on shoes before sprinting to the bridge.

Wonshik's POV

Jaehwan just came. He was driving and saw us on the bridge. "HONGBIN!" I scream on the top of my lungs as the car sinks beneath the surface.

I look over to see Hakyeon clinging onto Taekwoon's unconscious body. He needs help if he is going to survive.

I kick off my shoes and pull my jumper over my head.

"Take Taekwoon to the hospital. He won't make it if he stays here" I yell at Jaehwan before jumping into the water.

It is so cold and dark. I can't see anything. No matter how wide I open my eyes I can't see anything.

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