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Grey  watches Ari sleeping peacefully and is troubled by her words. He knows that she's never felt useful, used yes, and he has a far greater understanding and respect for her now than he had before, but never useful. He knows that she wants him to be the one to take her life, so that her death will have some meaning to it. But he just can't take the life of the woman he loves.

The realization hits him like a sucker punch to the gut. He loves her. He'd do anything for her. But then how could he take her life? How could he not?

He frowns at that last thought. How could he not? It would allow her the chance to know that she saved the lives of everyone in the castle. She would be useful and not used, it would be a cleansing for her.

He refuses to think about it anymore. Instead he decides to make her some flowers. He smiles and starts making all different kinds of roses. He even makes vine roses climb the posters of the bed, each poster a different color of rose. He makes a crown of red roses to place on her head when she wakes. An idea for a color hits him and he makes a new kind of rose and places it in a vase on the table.

Then he makes her some new dresses. He knows that according to her she won't ever get the chance to wear some of them but he wants to give them to her anyway.

"Grey?" Ari stirs and Grey rushes over to her side.

"I'm here. Do you remember anything from earlier?" Grey asks not sure how her prophecy thing worked.

"Yes, you were so angry with Lady Anna that I got scared. Then somehow Lady Anna and you were in a shouting match and it scared me even more. You said some things Grey that changed the future." Ari is so tired of the tears but they come anyway.

"Lady Anna thinks that she can save the lives of the castle people, but there are traitors within and they will tell her enemy and they will be killed and horrible things will happen to Anna, Grey. Things far worse than you can imagine and it will go on for years. He won't let her die but everyday she'll wish for death just the same." Ari gets sick just thinking about it. She doesn't want Lady Anna to suffer like she did.

No matter how angry he is at Anna neither does Grey. "I won't let her do that or let that happen to her Ari."

Just then there is sounds of fighting at the door. Grey swears and buckles on his sword. "Hide Ari. Get someplace safe and hide."

Ari looks at him like he's crazy. There's the bed, the wardrobe and the tub. It will take them less than a minute to search the entire room should they get past the guards and Grey. Then Ari smiles, the false wall that is real to everyone else.

Grey sees her heading in that direction and nods his approval. They could tear the room apart and they'd never find her. He'd found the secret door and sealed it after the first assassin had attempted to enter that way.

By then the sound of fighting was over and all is quiet. He carefully opens the door only to find both his men on the ground and no one else around. One of them was definitely dead, but the other still moved. Thinking quickly he grabs a pitcher of water. His magic isn't strong in the healing arts but Anna's are. That makes him fearful for his cousin.

There is nothing he can do about her right now, but he could possibly save this man's life. He gives the man some water to drink and then pours some on the wounds hoping that the water would stop the bleeding and he breathes a little easier when he sees that it does.

Having done all that he can for the guards man he bellows at the top of his lungs for his cousin. The replacement guardsmen run up ready for battle only to find their two comrades fallen. "You two go find out if my cousin is safe. You two take Gentry to the medic. I have little healing skill and he may need more help than I've given. Then get two more men here and take care of your fallen comrade." They don't speak just salute and take off.

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