Wakey Wakey

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Lyra scanned the diary, scribbling notes in her journal. She had been doing this for the past half hour or so. Using her magic to levitate the diary, her journal, and a quill at the same time, the books circling her head. "Uhm... L-Lyra?" Fluttershy muttered. She didn't want to bother her, she looked so deep in her studies-notes- whatever that was. "Should we try to figure out what to do? If you want, that is..." Lyra nodded randomly. "Oh, uh, in a minute." She dismissed the thought of maybe, possibly, actually doing something. Madly scribbling and copying notes, she focused back into reality to rest her horn.

"So, um, are you finished?" The mare's teal eyes looked around awkwardly. All the thoughts came in at one second, the filly on the bed, the confused mare looking at her, why she came here in the first place. "Yes, yes. So, what exactly did you want me to do?" Fluttershy took a gasp. All in one breath, it all tumbled out. "Well I found this filly on the hill overlooking the city and I couldn't just leave the poor darling even though I'm not very good with fillies I put her on a bed so she could rest and i paced inside and just worried for a while then angel found that journal and I read through it and all that stuff about dreams and fingers and I got really worried and all I could think to do was find you because no one else thinks these creatures exist so I thought you would know what to do so I brought you here." With one final breath, she let out, "so I don't really know." Lyra took a couple seconds to break down and process what had just blown out of the pegasus's mouth. "Well... Won't we have to get her home somehow?"

"How? It's another world or something! We can't just walk her down the block!"

"Yes, and I don't know those kinds of spells... Twilight would think we were crazy..."

"That's why I didn't tell her... But maybe the elements of harmony?"

"Only twilight or celestia would know that, I certainly wouldn't."

At that moment they heard a rustle from the other side of the room. The filly had woken up! The two mares tried to look calm so as not to worry her. "Wh- where am I?" She looked around. "Who... How...." The tiny blue filly sat up. "Just like Lyra always does..." Fluttershy thought. The child's head turned towards the two ponies standing in front of her. They waved with awkward smiles. She looked down at her hooves. "I'm... Am I....." She swallowed, breathing shakily. Lyra spoke up. "A simple recap of location?" The only reaction was a small nod, hooves still up, mouth still open. The words formed slowly. "Fluttershy's cottage, Ponyville, Equestria."

The filly petted her fur, stroked her mane, clapped her hooves, and just about everything else she could do to observe her surroundings. "What was your names again?" She asked. Lyra looked at fluttershy, and realizing she was hiding behind her rose mane, Lyra said, "Lyra, and Fluttershy. And you are?"


I thought of what to say. They would think Sarah was simple, strange, but my OC's name, Ocean Sparkle, might sound strange too. Apparently Lyra saw the worried look on my face, and had my diary, because she said, "We know, it's okay. We found this, Sarah." She used her magic to pick up my journal, the one that only last night I was writing in with hands, and a pencil, with my human family. "Is it ok if I act really weird for a minute and show how excited I am right now?" I asked, not really knowing how to ask "may I run around in circles trying to get used to a new body and if it is a dream enjoying it while it lasts?" Lyra nodded. "I guess I would be excited too." Then, I calmly got up, fell to four legs (which felt surprisingly natural) and walked out the front door. Then I proceeded to run around in circles squealing and zipping about. Then a thought occurred to me. "What if it's a dream? How can I tell? It doesn't fell like a dream but still!" I poked myself. Then harder. Then after the unbelievably creepy sensation of not being able to pinch myself, I smacked myself in the face. I felt like I was still standing up, no fuzzy blankets. I slowly opened my eyes, expecting to see my bedroom roof. Instead I saw the same brightly colored cottage I had been looking at a moment before. It was real. I really, truly was a light blue unicorn filly with a bubblegum pink mane, flowing medium length, standing in Fluttershy's garden, FLUTTERSHY, best pony, in Ponyville, Equestria.

This is going to be awesome.


SO! That is that.


I have no idea what to do now, they will probably think up a plan and it could go along the lines of one of two ways: celestia brings me back to the human world when I find out my parents... I dunno died or abandoned me or something like that and my friends and brother become ponies and we all go back to Equestria OR it turns out I'm actually related to some pony in Equestria (like I'm their kid) and I get help from some pony to be able to contact my family and break to them the news.


Post a comment on which one or I will eventually decide myself

And if there is any pony you want worked in as a background, helper or even main charecter tell me! I'm just making it up as I go along so you might actually help a lot!

Now it's like midnight and I have to get schoolwork done in the morning so

Vote Comment Follow! Bye! ❤️

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