Cutie Mark Crusaders Life Savers

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"S-Sweetiebelle?" I felt like I still ached from that.... Warping.

"Ya finally came to! Scoots, wake up!" Applebloom kicked her.

"I'm up! I'm up! Oh my... Um..." She looked concerned.

"She's alright now, ah- wait-" Scootaloo got a prompt head smacking.

"Shut up with your dirty lil mahnd!! She had a night terror or something..."

"It wasn't a night terror... I swear when I got up I heard whirring and... Well, you weren't all there, sparkle."

"Okay, someone fill me in on exactly what I just did." I wasn't feeling amazing but I would like to know if I magically disappeared in the night.

"Well, I woke up and I heard you moving around. I got up and pulled your blankets off - they were all sweaty - and you were writhing around, tensed up. It was so weird, you were partly... Gone." Sweetie looked stressed for words.

"Like I was dissapeared? Or black?"

"No... Just..." She let out the all-familiar exhale of defeat. "Gone. Your body parts weren't... Shaped right. You were shouting, in so much pain, and I tried to wake you up, but you just shouted louder, and I couldn't help but Twilight was once telling us fairy tales and said that if a character ever crossed into the dream world then you'd do this and she did this trick and I tried it and then you were here and you woke up and I waff- mmf!"

"Sweetiebelle, you're talking too much." Scoots demuffled sweetie.

I heard trotting. "Girls! What's going on?!" Troni spotted me. "Oh no..." She whispered as her pupils dialated. I made a sheepish face as she rushed to my side.

"Girls... I need to talk to her. Start packing up your things." She prompted me to sit up in bed as the girls uncomfortably trotted downstairs. "What happened?"

"I... Apparently crossed into the dream world.. Or something like that." My head ached, as did my sides.

"We're you having nightmares again?"

"Yeah, but this one was weird. Something about it being the best thing to do.. And then it hurt like nothing I've ever thought."

"Did you see anypony?"

"No, I just heard voices." It suddenly dawned on me that Troni acted as if she knew what was going on.

"Are you sure there was no... identification of any kind?"

"Yeah- well..." I started to thing hard, and the voices seemed similar to those of Golden Crescent and his wife. "I guess they sounded kinda like Golden and his wife." Troni sat silently for a moment, thinking. I was doing a bit myself. Should I have ignored all those dreams about arguing parents? Were they Golden's family? Was... I Golden's family? No. No, I had family. Human family. I hope they're okay.

I was snapped back into reality when I heard Troni, now downstairs, telling Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetiebelle that I was fine, it may have been a nightmare, or some kind of twisted prank. They left without saying goodbye, obviously flustered by the morning's events.


Wow, how long has it been since I updated this? A year? Year and a half? Anyway, I finally logged back on to Wattpad and found I'd lost about two readers (more was expected, honestly) and gained three or four. I'm blown away by e dedication of people to the story, so I decided to continue. It'll be slow, but surely I will finish someday!

Thank you all so much, and know that I appreciate your understanding. :)

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