A New Friend

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"Should we really be doing this? We could take care of her."

"No. This is what we have to do. You know we can't take care of a child."

"B-but I..."

"Ssshhhh. It'll be okay. We will get through this. We'll forget she existed at all."

I shot up in bed. I was really sweaty, and was breathing heavily. The dream I just had was disappearing fast... It didn't matter. I let it slip away until I remembered nothing. I rolled over to face the window. It looked like early morning. Wow. Or not. The sun went up so fast... I suppose Celestia wouldn't exactly want to draw it out, would she?

I rolled out of bed and balanced myself. I looked at the brush for a couple seconds... Nah. Downstairs Troni was already making breakfast. "I thought I should make something special for your first day." She said with a smile. I looked at what she was cooking. Troni had made a delicious looking apple cobbler with daisy sandwiches for breakfast. She had set the table with a flowerpot - with daisies. That just felt wrong. Anyway, she set two places with milk and plates she was putting the cobbler and sandwiches on. "Let's eat!"

I had the delicious cobbler and sandwich, then I got up and took my dishes with magic and looked for a sink. Do they have those? I think I remember seeing a pump at AJ's in one episode. "Where do I put these?" I asked, turning around. Troni showed me her hoof pumped sink. Hm.

"Remember you have your first session with Lyra today, you might want to pack your bag." Oh! I completely forgot! I ran to my room. Keeping my electronics out of this would be good for now... Or forever. Troni seems to want to keep it a secret, and if I showed her one I'd probably slip. I removed my ipad, and phone and put them on my bookshelf. The books! That was what I'd do today, read on equestrian history! "Troni, I'm gunna read my books!" I shouted down the hall. "Make your bed first!" Troni started. I heard a quiet "oh, wait." The sound of dishes being put in the sink then her coming up the stairs. "You probably want help, don't you?"

*montage of Troni showing Sparkleshine magics and they hug*

"Thanks, Troni." I said with my hooves in her bright mane.

"You're welcome, little sis." I broke away from the hug and plopped down onto my bed. I scanned the spines of the books. Basic Equestrian History. That looked good to start with. I pulled it out and begun reading. "In this book, we review a short summary of Equestrian history. We first travel back to the stone ages, where pony kind first appeared. Scientists have pieced together bits and pieces to show the evolution of..." Blah, blah. Next chapter! I flipped ahead. "Founding of Equestria: everypony knows the old hearth's warming eve tale of six ponies and a battle of the races. Though this May have some inconsistencies with what really happened, it is a holiday comedy after all." No real professor puddinghead... We don't know their flag.... Here we go!

"Um, Sparkle? You do know you..." Troni awoke me into reality.

"What? I'm what?" I asked curiously.

"Have you used your hooves before?"

"No, why?"

She pointed a hoof at the book. I turned my head and I was holding the page with my hoof! I picked up the book. That was so cool, yet really trippy because I still didn't know how it worked.

"Well, as long as you're reading, I'm going to get some work done." Troni went downstairs.

After reading some books I learning not much other than what I already knew about food, just that they had apparently made what looked like a vegan hamburger, but they called it some fancy French or Canterlotian... Canterlotish.... Canterlot word. Equestria is very small, but only because to get anywhere else you would have to spend days in the Everfree to travel through it, or cross the ocean. Ponies could build rafts to go down rivers, but not sturdy boats. Like Lyra said, there were three years of school, and adulthood was around ten. Anything other than that I could get off mlp wikia.

"Sparkle!" Troni called. "Lyra is here!" I had finished the book, so I put it on an empty shelf. I liked keeping things organized. Once I reached the front door, I saw Lyra there.

"Want to grab your things?" She asked, noticing I didn't have a bag or any books.

"No, I think I can just go off of memory for now."

We safely arrived at Lyra's. She told Bon-Bon I was a family friend, "but it's like fourth cousin to somepony five generations before me, so it won't be in any records. The new pony in town, Electronica, is her sister!" Since Pinkie held welcoming parties for everypony, she would have herd. We headed upstairs, and the session in general mostly consisted of me pointing out errors or giving more details on crude sketches of hands or a human body. Later I began to explain a normal daily routine, not going into detail on the subject matters. Strangely enough, I was already starting to forget some things. Small ones, but it was still something. I would have to Before we knew it, the clock in town made its five chimes, signaling five o'clock.

"Wow. Here really is a lot to cover, huh? I thought I was pretty spot on." She smiled and began to squeal, "Eeeee, I'm so excited! I can't believe I can get all this information!"

"Well, I had better get going."

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

"No, I think I can remember the way back." I waved goodbye and trotted down their stairs, out their door, and down the road.

I did not remember he way back.

I had ended up in the middle of the market, which we definitely didn't pass on the way there. I didn't bring my phone, so I couldn't call Troni even if I found a hidden place.... Ok, calm down. It's a small town, right? I could try finding my way back... No, I would get more lost.

"Excuse me little filly, are you lost?" I heard a deeper voice ask behind me. I turned around to see a stallion with a green coat between Troni's mane and tail, and an aqua mane in a unique longer style. He looked surprised at me. What? Did I look bad?

"Uhm... I..." Should I tell him I was? He could be dangerous. I know it's Ponyville, but still.

"It's okay, I won't bite." The stallion laughed. "At least tell me your name."

"I... I'm Sparkleshine, and yes, I'm lost. I live with Electronica, she's new." I expected him to have at least heard about Pinkie's welcoming party. That may not mean he knows where she lives.

"Well I know the way to Sugarcube Corner, you could ask Pinkie Pie. She knows everything about everypony." Would it be a good idea to be with Pinkie? She is extremely nosy.

"Um, well, if you know the way to the school I can find my way from there, please." I asked. I had seen the school from our house, so I really wasn't lying.

"Alright, if you say so."

We walked home, and I found out his name was Gold Crescent and he lived here with his "very special somepony" (at which point I said "You can just say wife, you know." with a smile). Once we reached the door of Troni's house, which I told him "she won't mind you coming in, and it's the least I could do for showing me home" and knocked. I heard pacing stop inside. The door swung open to reveal a very worried, then extremely happy Troni, which Crescent also seemed surprised at. Probably because of her messed up mane from stressing about me.

"Oh Sparkle, I'm so glad you're home! I got so worried when I realized you didn't - " she looked at Golden Crescent and continued, "know your way home!" A perfect catch, she must do this often.

"Troni, Gold Crescent. Gold Crescent, Electronica!" I introduced them and they shook hooves. "He showed me home when I got lost at the market!" I was suddenly very excited about him.

"Well, let's offer him some of the extra cobbler!" Troni said, directed at me then Crescent. "Would you like some?"

"Of course, I have nothing better to do." He came inside and sat down. Troni pulled out the crumby pastry and a plate.

We finished the entire cobbler together and Crescent said he had to go on his way. After we waved goodbye, I wrote in my journal, and we had dinner, it was night. I really got to watch Luna work from my window because it was one of those houses that looks really tall but is mostly stairs, so I was really high up. It was beautiful.


I'm thinking of getting Sparkle a pet soon. Dunno what it'll be.

So! We introduce a new charecter. What part will he play...? Myssssssssteryyyyyyyy!

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