A New Beginning

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My face made a grin. A new home? Where? With who? Would they like me? I was so excited, but first I had to use my new things. Well, old, but... you know what I mean. First, I would write in my journal. I sat at a small desk by the window and carried my book, ink, and quill. I tried to pick the quill up with my hoof. It just slipped. I remembered this happening to doctor hooves when he first became a pony. I wondered how it worked...
Anyway, levitation was the next idea. I took in a breath and put pressure in my forehead. Nothing. I was remembering in Anthropology when Lyra was seeing if magic worked as a human. Something about letting energy flow. I imagined every bit of... Well, energy, from my hooves, going into my chest, and let it flow into my horn. I heard a shining sound, from within my own head. I didn't let it exite me, so as not to break my focus. There was a feeling as if there was a loose end, something I needed to connect it to. A pictured he quill, nothing else, floating out of the ink bottle. I slowly opened my eyes. There it was. The quill, shining with a clear blue glow, floating in front of my face. How to go about this? Naturally, I invisioned the words forming on the page. Then I watched the quill go down and write them.
"November... 19th? Two days ago was the 17th, so I guess so. Two days ago, ponies were a cartoon. Humans were reality. Now, I was found by Flutter freaking shy, and stayed the night with her. I look just like my OC, ocean sparkle. Lyra and Fluttershy are the only ones who know about me. I just got a saddlebag (it used to be my purse) with my ipad, phone, camera and this journal, and I have been provided ink and quill. I feel like I am in the Middle Ages! Well, I am about to go to my new home apparently. I am so excited! I will have to write every day, I don't know what kind of days they have here. Now I will leave to my new home!"
Then I packed everything but the ink, quill, and newly inked pages into my saddlebag. I would have to ask Fluttershy how to pack something like that up.... I picked the bag up with my muzzle and put it on the bedpost, jumping up to knock it onto my back. These things are quite complicated without the use of fingers, you know! I went downstairs to Fluttershy feeding each of her animals. I had forgotten, here was probably lots of things she had to do after this. She was talking to each animal, as if each was their own person - I mean, pony. Sigh. "Bernie, fresh cut leaves and the tomatoes in just the right pla-" she stopped as she saw me. She immidiately got quieter. "Oh, um..."
"Do you want some help?" I asked, slipping off my saddlebag.
"Oh, no, it's alright. I suppose you got Angel's note?"
I nodded. "So... Where am I going?" I was going over every background character I knew.
"There's a pony in town, her name is Electronica. She said she was looking for an addition." So, like, a kid? I opened my mouth to ask when she quickly added, "It's not adoption, don't worry. Lyra will come in a little while to walk you to her house." I nodded excitedly. "Okay. I'll get ready!" I went back into my room, and I saw a brush sitting there. I went through the whole process again, quick lire this time, and soon was brushing my mane. Did tails need brushing? I guess so.... I brushed my tail. It was strange, after each stroke it just popped back into its shape. Hm.
I heard a tapping on the door. The brush fell to the floor and I raced downstairs. There was Lyra. "Ready to go?" She asked.
"Heck yeah!" I said, without really thinking about it. Both of the mares in the room gave me strange looks. "It - it's slang..." I said awkwardly. I felt hot. Did my blushing show through my coat? I didn't know. Anyway, I went to where I had hung my saddlebag and bumped it onto my back. Angel hopped away from his salad shortly and jumped up, hugging my neck. I held him with one hoof, his warm tiny body against mine. "I'll miss you too, Angel." He let go and hopped down. "You too Fluttershy. I'll probably see you in town though, won't I?" A smile and a nod. "Well, goodbye!" Angel waved, and I followed Lyra out he door.
"So how are we going to deal with... You know, her and my thing..." I asked, not directly addressing humans in front of everyone else. Every pony! Every pony...
Well, I started to tell her you had a bit of a 'special case', I tried to word it in a way that wouldn't be misleading. She just sort of winked and spit turns out she has a couple secrets of her own."
"Like what?"
"Well if I knew then they wouldn't be secrets, would they?" A playful smile crept onto her face. "So she is a unicorn with a pretty nice place, no roommates, but she lives by the school so you will be able to go. If you want?" She looked at me. I hadn't begun to answer yet, I just thought for a couple seconds. "Of course, it will really be up to Electronica. Not my question to ask, really."
"Will I have to go to magic kindergarten? Or do they teach that in normal school? Also I figured out how to do this." I stopped and levitated a rock, showing Lyra. Then I dropped it.
"Well you are a bit old for magic kindergarten," Lyra said laughing, "and if you don't know anything else then you wouldn't be heading the direction of CSGU - oh, that's Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns." She explained. I figured they would shorten that name.
"So I would just go to normal school?" I thought of meeting the cutie mark crusaders, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. I hope I can put them in their place. The thing I hate most is when bullies are just mean to be mean. Maybe I would get a cutie mark that has to do with standing up to bullies, or protection, or something. I would also meet the other fillies, like the periwinkle one with the sea foam mane. Was she called Aroura?
"Yes, that would be standard procedure. How old are you?" Her question snapped me back into reality. How old was I? 12, really, but according to anthropology 16 was well into adulthood.
"Well, I was twelve.... Is that old for a filly?" I asked with a confused look on my face. There were no ponies within earshot, so we weren't stared at.
"No, it's still a child. A normal 12 year old pony would be around your last year. There are three years of school, if you include kindergarten."
"Wow. Back where I'm from there are two pre school years, five years of elementary, three of middle, and four of high school. Then depending on your profession choice you could spend up to twenty years in college."
"When is adulthood? I can't imagine spending that much time on school. What would you learn? Also, what level were you?"
"I'm in seventh grade which would be my ninth year, there is so much to learn it would take forever to tell, much less teach, and adulthood is 18 or 21. You can't use drugs until 21 - oh, drugs. They are terribly unhealthy addictive things people sell for money. Greed has sadly taken over a lot of humans. Is there Christianity here? In that religion, we believe humans would bring themselves to extinction if God didn't save us."
"This is a lot of information.... We will have to study it all another time though, becaaaaauuuuuse...." She stopped. "We are here!" She knocked on the door of the cottage. The windows were too dark to see anything, and there were no flower boxes out front like some houses. There were two floors though. I hoped my room was on the top!
The door creaked open to show a light green unicorn with a fading mane, neon green to yellow. Her tail was long, and her mane short and bangs over one eye. "So, I suppose you are the new filly? Come inside, both of you." She greeted us nicely. As we entered, I saw her full body. Her cutie mark was an atom, with electrons flying around it. Was she a scientist? That might be boring. I don't know what element it was an atom of. The cottage was normal on the inside, no different than he inside of normal ones we had seen.
"So, because of her special case," Lyra started, "we are going to need a cover story that won't raise any questions."
"So I'll need a name, hometown, and family story. Right?" I asked.
"Well you must have a name. What was it?" Electronica asked,
"It was Sarah Jane, but once I designed a charecter with the name Ocean Sparkle. Is that too weird?" I chose my word carefully.
"Well, Ocean Sparkle, from what I've heard, doesn't really fit you. How about for now we call you.... Hmm.... Sparkleshine? Some ponies change their names after getting their cutie mark, so it's really open. Do you like that name?" My new guardian just named me. It felt natural though.
"Sparkleshine... Sparkleshine.... Yes, that sounds nice!" I grinned.
"For hometown... You might be pestered with questions about the big city, so that rules out Manehattan or Fillydelphia. Canter lot is a normal place for unicorn fillies to grow up. How about there? And let's say something happened to your parents, which is technically true isn't it? And I am a relative you are staying with. That sounds alright!" Electronica sounded like she was writing an interesting story.
"Yes, it's perfect. Electronica - " I started, before Electronica interrupted, "Call me Troni." With a smile, I continued, "Troni, you are my new sister!" I grinned in excitement.
Lyra looked impressed. "I suppose that's all done then! Ok, so come over every day 3-5 to study, okay?" She asked both me and Troni. I nodded and Troni said that was perfect.
Lyra left and Troni said, "Shall we see your room?" We went upstairs, YES! And my room was about the size of the guest room at Fluttershy's, a bit bigger. There was a bed, writing desk, a round window on each side of the room, and a bookshelf. There was a small banner on it that said "Welcome".
"I would have written your name, but, I didn't know it." Troni said. "I also have something for you." She opened the cabinet over the desk to reveal ink in bottles and quills. There was also a decorative dip bowl on the desk. "Also, look at the books." Her green hoof motioned toward the bookshelf. I jumped down from looking at the cabinet and hopped on the bed. The shelves weren't full by any means, but there was a good amount there for the amount of things I would be doing. The titles were things like "Equestrian History", "Ponyville Culture" and "Ponies: a Theology". They were all on learning about ponies, in general. "How did you know.... About where I came from?" I asked.
"Well, Lyra told you I have a little secret of my own, didn't she?" Troni wore a mysterious smile.
"Yes. What is it?" I asked, taking the subject change with flow. She motioned to follow her. I slipped off my saddlebag to the bed and continued down the stairs. She opened a chest with a key she wore around her neck, it looked like a decorative part of the charm. She pulled out a - a phone? It was a bit bigger, and the buttons were much bigger. Probably to adapt to hooves. "You see, I invent electronics and other things. Only my close friends have these. I knew what Lyra meant because I put together the pieces. She mentioned you coming from way out of town, maybe not being familiar with anything, really. That meant you didn't know local culture because you were from far away. Also, she's Lyra. It was something with humans, I mean, really. So, I figured you were a human, and are here now. I know of humans because every couple days I can connect to a human social media page. This all makes sense to you, right?" I was wide-eyed.
"Let me go grab something." I said. I ran to my room and grabbed my saddlebag, out of which I had taken my journal earlier. (Fluttershy told me to just leave the ink and let the pages dry) I ran downstairs and showed her my phone. I showed her the power button and she turned it on with her more acute magic. I used the stylus she gave me to open the dialer. "Here is my number." Her bigger phone showed a number on it. I typed it into the pad and her phone rang.
We squealed. "That is amazing! I can't believe it worked!" She was proud of her accuracy to another, completely different device. She later showed me her friend's numbers, all of which I put on my contacts.
That night, I wrote about Troni and the phone discovery and went to sleep.
"Night Troni."
"Night Sparkle."

Yay! I found, finally, a home and name for Sparkleshine. I am very excited for this story, and if when I finish it is popular enough I will make a book of all her Journal entries. Any questions ask in the comments, thanks!

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