First Night

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Lyra trotted back out of the cottage. "So, uh, yeah. We were thinking about a way to get you home, but all we could think of..." The rest of the words were quiet as I thought about the first part. Send me home? But I just got here! It was freaking Equestria! Didn't they want me? "Can't I stay?" I asked with what I hoped was the most adorable pouty face ever. "Well, I would love to have you to help with my studies but who would take care of you? My roommate bonbon wouldn't approve, I rent a room from her, and Fluttershy isn't very good with kids." I knew all this, but nodded as if it was new information. "Well, pinkie would be happy to take someone in, I'm sure." Fluttershy whispered as she trotted out of the house. That was a terrible idea. Don't stay with pinkie, she would annoy me to death. "No! I mean.. No thanks. She... Isn't really.." I couldn't finish before Lyra said "how do you know pinkie?" I had to explain eventually, I guess. "Well, you see, in my world, there's... Have you heard of TV?"

"No, what's that?" Lyra looked extremely interested. How could I possibly explain tv in the short time we had? It was pointless information anyway. I needed to get a place to stay the night first.

"No time to explain, let's just say that you guys, the elements, cutie mark crusaders, all that is a kind of myth in my world." I would stick to that for now. I suddenly remembered that Fluttershy didn't want to take in kids because the cutie mark crusaders were so reckless. I was nothing like that. "You know, I am a very calm per - " I caught myself. "pony, I promise I won't stay up late or run around or sing loudly." I gave a hopeful look at Fluttershy, praying she would accept. "Well... I don't know..." She looked at the ground. "Please?" I tried to get in a begging pose but after putting my hooves together I fell on my face and felt quite stupid. As I got up, Angel bunny hopped into my mane. How... How did it fit an entire animal? I realized he was making an adorable pleading face at Fluttershy. I put in all my effort to look cute. "Well... Okay, until we find out what to do next." Fluttershy gave me a tiny smile.

"Yay!" I ran over to her and hugged her leg, because I didn't want to try to stand on two legs and fall on my face again. My grin was bigger than Lyra's, saying "oh that's adorable" with her expression.

Later that night, after Lyra went home, Fluttershy tucked me into bed, and we sung "Hush Now, Quiet Now" together. The quiet way. A couple kitties and other adorable critters snuggled onto the blankets with me. I looked out the window. On one side, the ever free forest. My mind pictured all the terrible creatures from the fandom. Blanks, example. That was not what I wanted to think about as I went to sleep. I turned over in bed, rustling a ferret who continued to hop off the bed. On the other side was a river, with lots of sleeping birds in the birdhouses lining the walkway. I drifted off to sleep.

I had no dreams.

I woke up to a tiny knocking on my door. "Come - in." I said with a yawn. A tiny white paw pushed in a small saddlebag. It was the colors of my fur with a light purple button latch, where an adult's or teenager's (or so I thought, at least) cutie mark would be. That reminded me, did I have a cutie mark? I had always imagined it as a paintbrush, with bristles in the shape of a heart dripping magenta paint, representing art and friendliness. I never really got into it though, considering I'm not actually that good at drawing, as much as I'd like to be. I turned around and checked. Nope, a blank flank. Maybe I could join the cutie mark crusaders... No, I wasn't desperate for it. It would come... If I could stay long enough.

Anyway, the bag on the floor. I got up and walked to the end of my tiny spare bedroom and used my muzzle to open it and look inside. There was a note: "We found this around the hill where we found you. We don't really know what these things are, just a couple black boxes. Thought you could use them." I opened it further. There was my phone. Pretty much useless, I highly doubt they had phone towers here. My ipad. Also useless, as soon as the battery ran out it would be just that. A box. I checked the other side; my camera. Older style, with cassettes. It had the longest battery life in the world, and I charged it two nights ago. Had it really been only 2 days? It felt like much longer. I remembered I had recorded my reaction to MLP FIM season 4 episode 3, daring don't. This would be how I would explain the show, I guess. And sitting neatly beside it, slid in a couple seconds later, was my diary and a quill with a bottle of ink. The indigo hardcover had a heart shaped hole in it, looking into a cover page where you could slip a photo. I had never gotten around to it. My doodles in marker covered the page, and as I scanned over I saw another note:

"thought you might want this. Lyra said she was finally done with her studying. -Fluttershy

P.S. We may have found a home for you."


First cliffhanger because this one was so looooong! Yeah, I'm throwing out chapters very quickly right now because it's break and I have time to. I'm going to start actually drafting these because I used to just write it then publish it within an hour or less. I do read over them tho.

Also YAY I know this sounds completely useless to everyone else but I got my first follower (who isn't someone I know), cupcake factory, and Midnight River is reading it. Thanks you guys!

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