Chapter 3

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Yugyeom POV

"What are you saying FOOL! How dare you call Jinyoung a traitor! You have no right to---" 

"You are missing souls in your kingdom are you not father?" I cut him off before he rushes out refusing to listen, "Has Jinyoung brought the 4 people to you, those that dies at war?" 

"He is a little late on that, so what! He can take his time collecting HIS souls!" he yelled and I smirked. 

"I have those souls Zeus! I can guarantee that Jinyoung has already collected those souls, but found them slightly annoying so he send them down to me... of course without my consent" I put the files on his desk. Evidence is always best with him, and he cannot say I am lying.

"Impossible! This cannot be true!" he stares at them, still trying to come up with an excuse, but he knows it is futile. The evidence is clear. Jinyoung is a traitor... One soul could have been an accident but 4... that is just him messing up....

"Not only that... he is also seeing a human lover..." 

"That is outrageous" he spat out more... Humans and Angels are forbidden, well at least to the sons so I have heard.

"You can chose not to believe me or look upon the well and see for yourself" I see him rush towards it, and I smile in amusement FINALLY Jinyoung will be caught breaking the law and rules...

"This boy was to wed Athena's daughter to create a pact." he gripped his fist.

"You do know Zeus him breaking the laws and sending innocent people down to hell unfairly means they get send to me right" this made my father freeze and stare at me... He knows I have Jinyoung at my mercy and if I show this to the council I will not be stopped.

"How about we make a deal Zeus... My silence for something I want" 

"You and your greedyness... I knew this is what you wanted all along... But whatever state what you want for your silence!" he sits at his throne barely looking at me. 


"Let me have my fun with him, as well as to take the human as an exchange... Someone broke a law, I am in need of a soul..."

"The human he has been seeing? Hm, alright seems like that can fix that and also keep that filthy human away. I will allow you to take my son unconscious... Scare the human, whatever you demons do" he sighs and points to me, "You do not touch Jinyoung"

"I will use him to get the human, that is all I wanted. Now, make sure to have him by midnight at the place you saw him by" I look at Mark, and he understand and gets the papers. 

"Where do you think you are taking those?!" he yells and I laugh. 

"You get them after JInyoung has completed his side of the deal which is once I have the human at my possession. I will see to it after I do Mark will send it to you" I bow and walk out...

"Do you think he will actually let you neat Jinyoung?" Mark asks as we get near the portal.

"To save his precious son, he is willing to do anything." I sigh and close my eyes.

'But I will be taking something away from Jinyoung, so it balances out'

Bambam POV 

It was strange of Jinyoung to ask to meet me this late in our spot... It is past midnight, and he knows I have curfew...but I guess he knows me too well. Haha he knows if I can get a chance to see him I'll skip curfew. 

I start walking a bit faster because I feel out of now where my heart aching... Like something happened. As I arrive at the woods we meet in I can feel the place's aura completely different. It's dark and heavy... What is happening.? I finally get to the little meadow we have, and what I see shocks me...

Jinyoung on the floor, looking like he is unconscious. My love! I run to him and lay his head onto my lap.

"Jinyoung! Oh my God what happened to you! Are you okay?" I cry to him, but I am getting no answer... Out of no where I see a dark figure appear. His presence was what I felt dark... Did he do this?!

"Who are u?" I ask the stranger hovering over looking to me as if he had done nothing wrong. I am sure he was the one who hurt Jinyoung.

"Looks like your little lover boy here failed to tell you that he happens to angels who break the rules... Get severely injured by the great Zeus himself." he answered me. 

'Zeus? Angel? What is he going on about?!' 

"Did you not know" he tilts his head to the side, "Jinyoung is no human... he is the son of Zeus... I thought you might have known of that" I shake my head. A son of GOD? Is he mad?! He is probably some kind of lunatic...
"I can assure you I am at my sanest mind" he chuckled. I stare at him with wide eyes, can he---

"Yes read your mind little BamBam..." he smiles, but looks at Jinyoung, "the crimes he has committed will be sending him down to hell..." he finished explaining. No! There is no way Jiny--- No he couldn't have committed any crime...

"Who are you?!" I look at him, refusing to believe him

"Some can call me the ruler of the Underworld, some call me Satan himself, but my name is Yugyeom.... his little brother." he sighs and lifts his finger up, slowly also lifting Jinyoung up on the air..."By all rules and purposes I need to take him whether you like it or" he started to pull him away from me... No I don't want to lose him! I don't care if he didn't trust me enough to tell me he was a divine being... I...hate lies, but I don't want to lose him.

"WAIT..please just tell me what I need to do in order for Jinyoung to be pardoned of his crimes. Please I do not know what he did, but I love him and I cant let him go like this." I beg to Yugyeom sincerely as my heart breaks trying to process all that is happening. 

"He send innocent people to my realm for his own entertainment... Those four innocent sould were promised a place in heaven, but since Jinyoung saw them annoying... he send them down without Zeus or my content..."

"He-He... he wouldn't.." I can't believe what I am hearing... Jinyoung has the purest soul I have ever met. I hear him laugh.

"Trust me, it's all an act to get what he wants... and you think you know JInyoung, but all you know is his fake side... not his TRUE colors.... DO YOU REALLY... wish to save him...even though he lied to you, and fooled with you?" he raises his eyebrows.

"Fooled me?" I hold my heart, I feel like it is going to shatter any minute.

"Jinyoung is to wed in two days..." he says which caused my heart to break. Wed... I thought he loved me. 

"If you insist on wanting to save him...Take his place then. I technically only have to take a soul for it to be counted on my part. It doesn't have to be Jinyoung I take" by now he is right in front of me... slowly wiping away the tear I didn't know I let fall.

The voices in my head keep repeating what he said... Jinyoung only fooled with me... Played me. Why should I help him.... 'because you love him'. I do, and even though he hurt me... I still want to believe that he might have loved me... but if I stay, would I be able to live without him?

"Take his place... You can leave this wretched world I know you hate..." he whispered in my ear, "Only then will he be pardoned of all of wrong deeds, but think carefully. Is he worth your sacrifice." He stares into my eyes, and I know he can see through my soul... He knows me... even though we only met once...

I hesitate at first then I take a look at Jinyoung, even though he betrayed me... I still love him. I know I am being an imbecile for doing this...

"Fine. Take me instead." I look up at the devil himself. 

Yugyeom POV

"Then it is a deal then" I lower my brother's body slowly and leave him there. I pull BamBam towards me and the minute he is in my arms... We disappear from the human world.

'You took the bait' I smirk.

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