Chapter 5

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BamBam POV

I run into these odd looking woods. Everything around looks so dark, and scary... it's so foggy I can't see where I am going...

I rest for a bit my breathing getting louder as I try and take a breather

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I rest for a bit my breathing getting louder as I try and take a breather.
I shut my eyes for a second and I come face to face. With a nasty looking monster.

" OH MY GOD" I back away and it just laughs

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" OH MY GOD" I back away and it just laughs...
"My, my a mortal roaming around in the woods where no man returns alive... this must be my lucky day..." he licks his lips... this thing is scary... he is going to kill me...
"Entertain me mortal... haha if yu do I'll end you quickly...." he laughed and I dash the opposite direction and scream. Hoping that someone could hear me. Stupid! I AM IN THE UNDERWORLD SURROUNDED BY MONSTERS!!! Who the hell is gonna save me.... Jinyoung.... NO HE ISN'T!!

All of a sudden I trip and see the thing fly and pin my arms to the ground...
"The chase is over.... but I love hearing my food scream haha" he sniffed me and all I could do is let my tears fall... I don't want to die here...
I close my eyes and prepare for the worst but... I felt nothing... in fact, the weight is off me... I open my eyes and see Yugyeom and that thing staring hard at each other before launching themselves at each other...
He-he saved me...
Yugyeom was using all his strength. This fight is something I have never seen before... growling and snarling... I am paralyzed..
"Get out of here" he screams at me, but I can't just leave...
"I'm not leaving you alone with that thing." I yell and search for something to IDK maybe hit it with..!
He turns to me for a second and then screams. That thing bit his shoulder.

There was blood everywhere.

I see Yugyeom struggling to grab something to get him off him... he needs a distraction so I grab the biggest log I can find and smack the bastard in the back... That thing growls but this gave Yugyeom time to reach for something that he needed from the beginning.
A dagger of some sorts.
He stabbed it on the side of the neck and made sure to stab it hard and then pushed him off his body and the thing turned to stone and broke into many pieces.
I am breathing heavily... so much adrenaline oh my god!

Yugyeom knelt down immediately. He seemed to be in a lot of pain

"Oh my let me help you." I say. I put his arm over my shoulder and start to take him back to the mansion.
"What happened!" A guy with red hair dashed out and took him from my arms...
"I need the first aid to cure him... please" Mark nods and takes Yugyeom to what I think is his bedroom... Yuyeom is seated and I immediately remove his shirt to see the wound. I took a few classes on how to heal, nice to see they are coming in handy... Mark comes back with the kit and hands it to me...
"If you need anything let me know..." he says before leaving the room... I can assume he is Mark...
I start applying first aid on his wound.
"It's nothing isn't the first time I deal with those things." he says ever so calmly trying to hold the growl.
"Well you saved my life. I owe you at least this much." I sigh,"It's my fault." If I had thought rationally... I should've known I couldn't run away...
"No it isn' took your chance to leave and I don't blame you... Trust me, everyone wants to escape this hell place" He said. And in such a sad tone...I look at him shocked at his words.
He really is all alone. It seems like he has some heart in him.
He seemed really different than I imagined... I mean that thing was a demon and Yugyeom may be a demon but...I mean he saved my life. I could have died.
But I'm still here and he took me in.
I'm kind of grateful. I guess he isn't as bad as he wants people to believe...
"All done" as I wrap the last bandage... around.
"Not bad mortal... though I will heal eventually..." I smile and laugh a bit...
"Look I am not just a mortal... I have a name that I can be called by... if I am to remain here I think... we should get along..." He doesn't seem like a bad guy. I actually would want to get to know him...
"You are strange... a normal person would be traumatized by what you just witnessed.." he is shocked and trust me I am too...
"Well I am not normal" I laugh and pull out my hand to him... I think we can get along but I think we need to start right...
"My name is BamBam..." I smile, and he looks at my hand but slowly starts to smile...
"My name is Yugyeom" he smiles.

Mark POV

"This could get interesting..."

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