Chapter 7

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 BamBam POV 

Mark must've gotten really got mad this time.... I wonder if he'll let Yugyeom rest anytime soon... After what happened, I'm pretty confused as to our relationship right now... 

Could I be overthinking everything or what? 

Why would he kiss my cheek? I'm nothing but a prisoner am I not? I sigh and notice Jackson staring at me. 

I look at Jackson so I lower myself to his level and pat my lap. He smiles and runs over to me, sitting on my lap. 

"Jackson.... what is Yugyeom like? Does he take good care of you?" I might as well ask him since he might know him a bit more and it won't hurt to ask....

 "Master s really nice! He's just rough around the edges but if it hadn't been for him I would probably be dead and I'm thankful that he had the heart to save me..."  he whipered as he yawned. I petted his back, and I heard soft snores.

Yugyeom has a heart... I may have judge harshly, but I can't help but think of Jinyoung... Yugyeom was Jinyoung's younger brother... Yet I feel more safer with Yugyeom. Why is that??? 

My heart has only flutter with Jinyoung... have I...

Truly forgotten Jinyoung....

I suddenly hear footsteps and that makes my heart beat faster and slower at the same time... What is wrong with me right now damn it!

'Deep breaths BamBam!!'   

The door creaks a little and I see Yugyeom... peeking with his head and whispers if he could enter...

It's his house why does he need my permission to enter...

"Come on in..." I sigh as Jackson wakes up. 


"Mark has your food Jackson... Head on out..." Yugyeom explains and Jackson took off.

"FOOD!!!" he yelled and Yugyeom closed the door. 

It's just me and him... I think my heart is going to explode... I'm so confused.

"Look... I know you're confused as to what I did back there..." I shake my head, "You can be honest with me... I thought we said we would tell the truth... 

"It---Caught me off guard but... Why did you kiss...?" 

"Look... I'm sorry I --- I'll explain everything... if you would let me  

I nod... I need answers. I need to know why he kissed my cheek, but I mean for some reason I actually wished he had kissed my lips... Why?! I don't know! "Go ahead..." 

He takes a deep breathe, "LOOK BAMBAM... I REALLY LIKE YOUR COMPANY AND THE WAY YOU LOOK AT ME SINCERELY WITHOUT HATE AND DISGUST.... Your the first, well second to see me as who I am and not a monster that everyone thinks I am... PLEASE STAY BY MY SIDE !!!! 

"Yugyeom... is that how you really feel?" Is he----confessing to me that he loves me???!

"Yes BamBam.... I'm sorry I haven't been honest nor this being romantic or what humans expect but it hasn't been easy.... You're being held captive well willingly , I hope you don't hate me... I just---  I was never taught how to show someone feelings... so this is all new to me, but... You mean so much to me.

I take in everything he said to heart and wonder how could I ever turn him down after how well he's treating me??? His speech... I feel his sincerity... So I did the most scary yet courageous thing EVER. I grabbed his face and placed my lips on his.

I am kissing----- the ruler of the underworld... and I am not regretting it. They were warm, soft, and just perfect. Everything I hoped for and more... 

We separate to take in air and we just stare into each other eyes and we knew... this moment we both wanted it and there was no going back.  

This feels right... My heart wants Yugyeom.

He starts to undress me with his eyes looking me up and down and I feel nervous and yet safe. I take the initiative and took off my shirt. I look at him waiting for him to do it as well. I see a bit of hesitance, but he follows my lead and takes his shirt off and he took my breathe away.

"Wow..." I whispered. 

"I'm sorry... do the scars disgust you?"

I look at his distraught face how could I ever look at this man and be disgusted. That was the furthest thing from my mind. His scars showed how far he had been willing to protect me. The older scars showed how he was treated before meeting me, and the emotional scars he keeps to himself are far from healing. I want to heal them now.... I don't want him to suffer... He won't be alone ever again. My how much he's suffered. 

My Yugyeom

"No... your scars don't disgust me..." I trace one of the scars on his shoulder, "You are perfect, your scars tell stories and it tells me your a fighter... I hope I can heal your wounds Yugyeom..." I kissed the scar he got from when he saved me...he looks at me in shock but smiles. 

That smile is everything I need right now as I hold his hand and don't let go. We continue kissing passionately taking our time with the clothes. We were in no rush and the more time we spent together the better. 

"Yugyeom..." I whispered as I bit my lips, scratching his back.

This night was perfect....


I suddenly felt a ray of light hit my face... I rub my eyes and noticed I was completely still naked... I cover myself with the covers and as I reached to the side but I didn't feel him... I woke up alone.

I look to my side to see a meal and a note beside it. 


             I will return in a months time. I'm sorry I couldn't stay by your side and say goodbye... But you were resting so peacefully I couldn't wake you... Last night, was amazing. I have no words to describe how happy I was last night... although I failed to hear an answer as to whether or not you'll stay by my side... I'll wait for that answer. Stay out of trouble and until we meet again. Stay precious... I'll miss you.


I hold the letter to heart. My god! Sure I'm disappointed I couldn't see him off OR tell him my answer...  but it gives me time to plan a surprise for his return. I grab the robe that was left on the bed... I smile.

'Get ready Yugyeom... for I am not holding back anymore.... I know that your the only one I want....'

 "MARK! I Need YOUR HELP" I called out as I run out to look for him.

Jinyoung POV

"I will get you back...."




"He won't be keeping you..."

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