All Hallow's Eve

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In ancient days, humans lived much like the animals of the world. Their houses were of the Earth, and they lived in its confines. The Moon and Sun and Stars guided their lives, and many things happened according to their signs. Certain places and certain things had power far beyond the mind of the Humans to comprehend, though some were able to channel it. It may have been that Jellicles were created in this time, when Water and Earth, Fire and Air were the Powers That Be. 

      Jellicles live in the powers of the Land, which is why they are so special. They did not forget the Land, and lived by the Moon and the Sun. Humans, however, began to live in houses that were not of the Land, and so lost touch with the Powers of Nature. As a result, Humans and Jellicles drifted apart. 

      Many Jellicles have a human home, when they do not dance by the light of the Moon at the Jellicle Ball or the Moon Festivals. Because the Humans are no longer of the Land, they do not see the power in their household “pets.” A few, often rare, Humans still have the Land in their Blood, and realize their “cat” is more than they seem. Mr. Mistoffelees knows that the small girl in his home sees him when he does want to be seen, and understands him in simple ways. But, for the most part, Humans do not believe in Jellicle Cats. 

      At the Yard, where the Jellicles meet, some of the tribe stay all the time. To some, it seems fitting that the Jellicles cast out by the humans would live in their cast-offs. To the Yard Jellicle Cat, life was very transitory because of the Humans. With their big machines, they would move things around, take some things away, or add new things to the various piles of junk. Certain areas of the Yard never seemed to move. The tire used by Jellicle Leaders always stayed in its spot. One old car and an old oven were landmarks of the Jellicle Yard. It was here, in this part of the Yard, that the Jellicles lived. 

      Jemmina, one of the youngest of the abandoned kittens that make the Yard their home, was out and about early in the morning. She enjoyed the sunrise of the crisp autumn morning while perched high atop a pile of the Human's cars. Depending upon the Humans, this place was always the highest spot in the Yard. From here, she could see just about everyplace in the domain of the Jellicles. In fact, she knew Munkustrap frequented this place often because of its scenic view. Carefully, she peaked over the top of one of the cars, and saw a pile of boxes over near the building by the Entryway. Scratching an ear, she did not recall seeing them there the other day. 

      "Heavyside," she gasped. "Maybe there's something new in there!" 

      Bounding down the side of the cars, Jemmina raced for the old bathtub that was the Nursery (whatever that stood for, she thought). She knew that Etcetera and Electra were probably still sleeping, but they wouldn't mind exploring. Especially if they could get to it before the "boys." 

      She slowed down enough to enter the opening without running into the Matron. Jellylorum was usually always here, for she looked after Etcetera (and Victoria, whenever her "Majesty" honored them with her presence). The older Queen opened her eyes enough to be certain Jemmina was not an intruder, and then closed them. Sure enough, the other two Princesses were still asleep. Taking a small running start, she leaped squealing on top of the two. 

      The other two screeched and rolled out from under her, standing up as sponged balls of fur. Jellylorum got up and stretched, ready to quell a fight if she had to. 

      “What’d you do that for,” wailed Electra. “You little brat!” 

      “You scared me half to death,” growled Etcetera. 

      “Only half? Try it again, Jemmie.” 

      And the fight was on. Jellylorum let the two kittens squabble for a short while, and then moved down to separate them. 

The Jellicle Chronicles - Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now