Sands of Time

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Munkustrap stretched on the hood of the old rusted automobile that served as his outpost. Perched two Human's high, he could see most of the Yard from this vantage point. He watched as one of the Human's lorries labored to get back into an old corner of the Yard. Ears perked forward, his eyes round; he noted that the Humans had moved into the area of the old dresser. Two Humans were now standing near the old furniture pile. Looking with some disgust at it, the Humans looked in and around the dresser. The Silver Tabby's eyes shut with pain as one of the Humans wiped a hand across the dried blood that stained the wood. 

      A squeal of protesting metal caused him to open his eyes again. A platform had been lowered down to the ground, and the Humans began loading some of pieces there. As the dresser disappeared into the lorry’s interior, Munkustrap sighed. A teardrop pinged off the top of the metal hood near his paw. After a few strained minutes, the pile had been significantly reduced, and the metal platform raised. Laboring in the muddy ground and tight quarters, the Humans and the lorry soon departed. 

      The pile of automobiles shifted slightly, telling Munkustrap someone was climbing up to see him. Since the climber did not slip or giggle, that ruled out Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer. There was only one movement, so that eliminated the Dark Twins. 

      “Hey, Top! How’s tricks up here?” 

      'Rum Tum Tugger,’ Munkustrap groaned. 'Just what he needed!’ “They just took the old dresser away.” 

      The Tugger looked out where the furniture was stacked, and noted the change. “Well, good riddance. After what happened there, nobody wanted it anymore.” 

      “My sentiments exactly,” growled Munkustrap. 

      “Yeah, it would have just reminded us about old Shaggy Britches and Bomba.” 

      Another teardrop pinged off the hood of the car. This time, Tugger noticed it. 

      “Top?” Munkustrap did not answer, so Tugger lowered his tall frame down next to the Silver Tabby. “>Munkus, I’m sorry.” 

      "That’s alright, Tugger,” the Sentinel finally got out. “It’s just that there was also a lot of good memories to go along with it.” 

      “I’ll go along with you there,” Tugger smiled. “I mean I have a couple of pads that sure contain a lot of good memories, too. Over near my Human’s home ….” The Leopard Cat stopped suddenly. “That’s probably not what you want me to talk about, is it, Top?” 

      Munkustrap smiled weakly. “No, Tugger, but thanks.” 

      The Tugger looked thoughtful for a while. “Well, you need a bigger place now anyway. Deme having twins. That’s awesome.” 

      Now, Munkustrap smiled with some feeling. “Which reminds me. I need to go check it out. With Bombalurina still keeping down, and Demeter in the Matron’s care, I need to get some things together.” 

      “You know,” Tugger said with a gleam in his eye, “we need to throw a party when you guys move in.” 

      “We’ll see about that, Tugger.” Munkustrap watched as the Yard Human came out and began closing down the business. Tugger watched over the Silver Tabby’s shoulder as the Human got in his car. As the car drove off, Tugger snorted. 

      “At least he’s got the idea not to put another Pollicle in here.” 

      “What’s on your agenda tonight?” 

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