Dark Rumors

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They say if you hang around someplace long enough, something is bound to happen -- especially if you are a Jellicle in search of mischief. On this blustery afternoon, Mungojerrie perched himself in the lee of a set of old wooden crates. His attention, well maybe two-thirds of it, centered on the building next to the Yard’s main gate. Nothing frustrated Mungojerrie more than the closed building below him. Try as he may, he could not find any opening into that place. The Human that came here almost daily did not stay there at night. To Mungojerrie’s total irritation, the Human always remembered to close the windows and lock the doors. 

      The other part of his attention lay just inside a crate above his head. His Mate, Rumpleteazer, did not share his enthusiasm for the building, though she did share his fascination for getting into it. Nothing got to her more than the notion she could not get into something. For now, her main objective was to periodically bat at Mungo’s ears without getting caught. Her giggle mostly gave her away. 

      “Cor’, Teazah,” Mungojerrie swore as he rubbed an ear. “Wat are you tryin’ ta do? Collect me ears?” 

      “Sorry, ducks,” she giggled again, tagging the other ear in the process. “Oi guess Oi’m just bored, Oi am. (Tag) Not!” 

      Mungojerrie was just about to jump up into the crate and give her “Wat for” when a horrible noise erupted from just outside the building. The Game of “Bat the Ears” was forgotten as the two tiger tabbies looked down at the Entryway. 

      “Wat da blazes is dat bloody ting?” 

      Mungojerrie’s back and tail bushed out as he stared down at the front door of the building. The Human stood just outside the door. Licking his lips, Mungojerrie had a problem now between looking at the sight below, and seeing the OPEN door. Concentrating hard (which meant nearly biting his tongue), he went back to the scene. Another Human had come up in one of those “lorries” and had something in front of him. 

      “Dat can’t be wat Oi fink it is, is it?” 

      Mungojerrie looked up at Rumpleteazer. Her eyes were as wide as could be, and her tail and back were equally bushed. 

      “A Pollicle,” both said simultaneously. 

      Sure enough, the one Human had a fairly good-sized “dog” on the end of the thick chain. Growling, snapping and snarling (a horrible din to a Jellicle), the Pollicle cursed at the Human near the OPEN door. 'Funny thing, though,' Mungojerrie thought, 'the bloke at the OPEN door ain’t moving a bloody centimeter.' If that were a certain tiger Tom, Mungojerrie probably would be on the roof. Say! I wonder if there’s a way in up there? Shushing his mate, Mungojerrie leaned down and swiveled both ears around to pick up what they were saying. 

      Now we Humans probably are not aware of this, but Jellicles (and your basic cat, too) are fully aware of Human speech. That they do not bother to answer you or even appear interested is just a trait. But, they do listen, and mostly know every thing you say to them. Mungojerrie just used that as one more thing against the Yard Human. 

      “Now, Guv’ner, Wot you t’ink of dis bloke?” 

      “Slobbery, ain’t he?” 

      “Aye, but 'e’ll taike your bloomin’ knickers off if ya turn your back on 'im, 'e will. Wouldn’t ya, ya ol’ sod?” 

      The Pollicle continued to bark and snarl at the Yard Human. 

      “Cheerful disposition, too,” the Yard Human said, not moving from the OPEN door. “I take it he hates just about everything.” 

      “Aye,” the other Human nodded. “Ya let 'im loose in dere, and ya’ll have no worries about anyting.” 

The Jellicle Chronicles - Year OneWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu