A Midsummer's Nightmare

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 Alonzo propped his head on his crossed arms, and stared out of the cubbyhole where his “guard post” was located. During the day, he napped a lot, and had some interesting dreams concerning a certain Burmese Jellicle. But, right now, he lay waiting the setting of the sun. Tonight was the Midsummer’s Night Moon - the high part of summer. Most of the night would be just a general gathering, and warm enough for courting. He remembered that last year, Munkustrap managed to entice Demeter to his side. Maybe, if Alonzo had some luck on his side, he might find someone as well. 

      As a Guardian, he felt proud of his position, but found the job slightly boring. He could not leave the post, and pal around with other young Toms. If he would be truthful with himself, he missed being around Tumblebrutus, Asparagus and Pouncival. At just over five years old now, he was very close to be considered an adult Jellicle. Still, he was traveling that awkward age between adolescence and adult, and both body and mind were easily confused. 

      The closer the sun traveled toward the fence, and the lengthening of the shadows, the sooner he would hear the Home Jellicles arrive. On the Vicarage pipe, he knew Rum Tum Tugger, Rumpleteazer and Mungojerrie, and Jennyanydots would appear. He also knew that Tumblebrutus and Bombalurina would come back after visiting the Vicar’s cottage. They kept watch over the kitten that the Vicar cared for now - Little Deuteronomy. Though not a Jellicle, the kitten had a certain bond with the two, them being “virtual” parents of the small cat. 

      When he heard a sound, he wondered who would be his first visitor, so he stood and stretched. It was a usual type of stretch for a Jellicle, arms out first, followed by long slow leg ones. As he stepped out, though, he immediately knew something was amiss. The pipe was empty, and no one stood anywhere nearby. Alonzo started to go into a defensive crouch, but never quite made it. A large dark shadow came down behind him, crashing him to the ground. A muscular arm went around his neck, and two very sharp claws nicked just under his chin.

      “Stay very still, junior,” a deep voice hissed in his ear. 

      Alonzo could not reply and could not move even if he wanted to. The other’s weight was squarely on his back, and effectively pinned him to the ground. With the claws close to breaking the skin, he also knew any attempt on his part to break free would be suicidal. 

      “Where’s Quaxo? Why isn’t he here?” 

      Alonzo could barely breathe, let alone answer. The other must have realized this, and slowly got off the White and Black Tom’s back. However, the arm stayed placed, and the claws meant business. 

      “What are you doing in Quaxo’s post?” 

      “This is my post,” Alonzo gasped as the dark Jellicle released him enough to allow air into his lungs. 

      “You? A Guardian? What happened to Quaxo? He didn’t die after all, did he?” 

      Fuming, Alonzo did not like the other’s sarcastic tone about him being a Guardian. “Quaxo’s still alive and is now our Sentinel.” 

      “Sentinel? What happened to Munkustrap?” 

      “He’s our Leader.” 

      “Leader? By the Dark Moon! What happened here?” 

      “Who are you?” 

      “Someone you don’t need to know, junior,” the voice hissed back. “Now this is what we’re going to do. You are going to take me to Munkustrap. If anybody tries to stop us, you are going to be the first one hurt, and I mean badly. You got me, junior?” 

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