When Snowflakes Fall

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The wind swirled outside, rattling the windowpanes and storm shutters, and sending the last lingering leaves scurrying. Inside the Human's house, the air was warm, and full of smells of baking breads and meats. In one corner, a tree stood with lights, shiny balls, and garlands. Gaily wrapped boxes lay beneath the decorated tree, waiting for this special night. The fireplace crackled with a wood fire, and seasonal music played over the radio. 

      At the fireplace, the Silver Tabby sat with his head down, not even bothering to look at the fire. His Humans had fitted him with a fine white leather collar with a silver bell in front. Contrasting with his fur, it stood out nicely. He had purred when the female Human put it on and scratched his ears, but then faltered once she put him down. His Humans did notice he did not seem the same old Tom, and wondered if they should take him to the vet. But, now the offices were closed, and would stay so for the week. 

      After a while, the Tom rose from the fire and padded slowly to the cellar door. He eased through the pet door made for him, and entered the dark room below. He shed the collar, but did not drop it. Instead, he set it down in a small piece of cloth. Next, he searched a spot in one corner, and appeared with another one. This one, too, he set down on the cloth. Looking down, he noted something with what could be described as a sad smile. The dark collar had wrapped around the white one. 

      "As it should be," a Jellicle voice said softly, followed by a sob. 

      He arranged the cloth and picked it up in his teeth. Now ready, he found the pet door to the outside, and slipped through it out into the cold night air.

      In many towns, the width of a set of railroad tracks is all that separates the good side of town from the bad. Not too far away from the Yard, from an upstairs window, a beautiful white cat leaned her front paws against the windowsill. From her vantage point, she surveyed the countryside. Through open curtains, many homes were filled with warm lights, and twinkling colors. What a wonderful night! 

      The white cat sprang backward, arching her back, and twisting in midair to land on her feet. She raced over to a small box near a curtained cat bed. Rummaging through it, she selected a couple of furry toys that still had the smell of catnip, and placed them on the floor. Then, she leaped gracefully up on the dresser that her Human companion kept some of her other things. First, she picked up one of the cloth things her human had a constant supply of, and dropped it to the floor as well. Then, laid out in neat lines, she inspected the lovely collars that her human kept for her. She smiled as she picked up the fine diamond one she wore on the Blue Moon. 

      Coming down as gracefully as she went up, the white cat placed the collar with the two furry mice, and then retrieved the white cloth. Taking her treasures, she placed them in the cloth, and gathered it up in her teeth. She had to be careful, or her Humans would spot her. She eased out the door, and moved silently down the hall to the stairs. At the top, she could hear the music and the clink of glasses and dishes. Laughter of Humans, dozens of them, came from the room to the right of the stairway. To be less noticeable, she descended the stairs slowly along the wall. Fortunately for her, most of the house was painted white, and she matched the color almost perfectly. All she had to do, if she thought she had been spotted, was to stand still. Misto taught her that (Bless you, Misto). She thought about getting a gift for him, but she could not think of a thing. She shrugged her shoulders, padded down the stairs, and found her way outside. 

      Her only real risk between the house and the Yard was the musty pipe that traveled under the tracks. At times, an occasional stray cat would take refuge there. However, the Gray Sentinel usually discouraged any stray not of the Jellicles to hang out in the pipes. This one led right to the Yard, so this one was usually guarded. As she trotted toward the pipe in the brisk wind, she wondered. What about the Sentinel? He seemed very distant lately! And that vulgar Queen! 

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