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Fate. It is such a simple word, people throw it around in every other sentence, blame everything bad on it but does anyone really know what it means?

Fate, the development of events beyond a person's control, determined by some supernatural force.

Fate can also be interpreted as the course of someone's life, or the outcome of a particular situation for someone or something but again,  beyond their control.

Or fate can simply be the inescapable death of a person.

In my case, it is all three. Or more accurately, in Stefan's case.

Who is Stefan, you might ask.

He is a lot of things, but for now he can simply be known as the reason behind this story.

You might or might not understand why every word I said to him after realisation dawned on me, tore me apart, or why I told him I had stopped loving him even when I knew I could never unfall for him.

But if you have ever been in love, you would know that sometimes you need to let them go simply because you want them to be happy.

Because you staying in their life is only a temporary happiness, not worth the pain they would have to go through in the future.

That's what I had to do. I had to let him go because he deserved all the happiness he could get.

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