Chapter 21 - Brothers

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For the next three days, Master Yoda trained Luke and Anakin to use the Force to hide themselves from the Force-sensitive. While they could not keep up the Force-shield for long periods, this technique would allow Anakin to approach Sidious unannounced. It would also hide Luke from the Emperor's eye should Anakin fail.

Yoda conceded to Anakin's request and trained Luke in the most basic lightsaber form—Shii-Cho. Using a scarf tied around Luke's eyes and using Master Yoda's shorter lightsaber, Luke fought against a training remote. The boy learned the truth in the Jedi Master's wisdom, "With all learning, there comes pain," as he was shocked repeatedly by the device.

Yoda pulled the remote to himself and deactivated it. "Enough for today, Young Skywalker. Now must your father and I train." 

The small green being held out his hand for his lightsaber.

Luke deactivated it and handed it courteously to his master.

"Out of the way." Yoda lit his saber and pulled into the opening stance for the acrobatic form Ataru.

Anakin breathed heavily when he realized what Yoda wanted to do. Doesn't he realize I won't be able to keep up with these mechanicals? 

"So certain are you that you will fail? What will happen when you face Sidious? Do you think he will pull back? Not likely. Reach out and pull the Force. What your limbs cannot do, the Force can."

The little green master leaped into the air, spun above Anakin, and struck at the blue blade.

Anakin pulled on the blade, blocking the strike above his left shoulder just in time.

I've forgotten how fast he is. How did I ever think I would be a better swordsman than he? Anakin, you are a fool.

He shot a quick glance at Luke, making sure he was out of the way. The boy sat on a fallen tree, his eyes wide as he watched the sparring.

Great, I just hope Master Yoda doesn't take me out so quickly that I lose all credibility with my son.

He swung his blade down behind his back to deflect the attack and then swiveled with a diagonal strike at the Jedi Master.

Yoda easily avoided the strike, flipping away with the Force.

The battle continued for many minutes until a ship landing near the Silver Streak interrupted them. The ship's engines roared through the swamp and sent debris flying around the small group.

Yoda extinguished his saber and waited for their visitor. 

Anakin motioned to Luke to hide inside.

As the ramp lowered, a familiar voice resounded. "Master Yoda, I do believe this is the first time I haven't had to land in a raging storm. You must be slipping."

Glaring at the visitor, Anakin crossed his arms across his chest, his lightsaber hilt still gripped in his hand.

"Hmm, perhaps. Perhaps I did not want to pull your ship out of the swamp again, Obi-Wan. Hmm?"

"What is he doing here?" Anakin gestured with his blue saber at Obi-Wan. 

"Help we need. Help he is."

"Hello, Anakin."

"Your help is neither wanted nor requested."

Obi-Wan crossed his arms across his chest, planting his feet as he stood ten meters from Anakin. "I am not here for you. I am here at Master Yoda's request."

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