Chapter 27 - Ice Wampas

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Leia led Luke and Anakin out onto a terrace that was packed high with snow. The wind was bitterly cold, and Luke's lips were turning blue already.

Anakin asked, "Threepio?"

The golden protocol droid tilted his head. "Yes, Master?"

"The boy needs warmer clothing. Can you find him some?"

"I'm sorry, but I've been ordered to care for the princess . . ."

"Relax, Threepio. I'll watch her. You wouldn't want her friend getting sick and then getting the princess sick, would you?"

"No, I suppose not. But if Senator Organa finds out about this . . ." Threepio mumbled as he waddled off.

"So, what is this stuff?" Luke squatted beside a pile of white cold mush.

The princess smiled at him. "Snow, silly. Haven't you ever seen snow before?"

"Do you think I would have asked the question if I had?"

Leia patted a handful of snow together. "Where do you come from?"

"Tatooine." Luke played with the snow and then rubbed his cold hands on his trousers.

"That's a desert planet in the Outer Rim. Hutt controlled, right?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"My governess makes me learn all sorts of facts about every single planet in every single system. It's sooooo boring." Leia patted the snow together for the base of the wampa.

"So is that all princesses do? Study?"

"No, I attend state functions, appear in public with my parents. My father is training me to be in the public service—to become a senator just like him. And then one day I will be queen."

"You don't sound so happy about that," Luke said. "I thought being queen would be great."

"My mother would have to die first." Leia sighed. "As much as being in control of an entire system sounds wonderful, I don't want to lose my mother."

"My mother was a queen, too."

"Now I know you're lying."

"No, I'm not. But on her planet she was elected."

"Oh, so she's Nubian. Only planet that elects their monarchs is Naboo."

"Yeah. More of your studies?"

"No. My real mother was from Naboo. I'm a Clone War orphan. My mother and father adopted me the day I was born."

See-Threepio chugged out onto the terrace.

Anakin said, "Luke, come get this jacket on and these gloves."

"Yes, Fa—sir."

While Anakin helped Luke into his jacket and gloves, Leia continued to build a base for the wampa.

Luke asked, "So when's your birthday? Mine was just a few weeks ago on Empire Day. I turned eight."

Leia glared at him with her mouth drawn into an O. "No fair! That's my birthday. You can't have it!"

Anakin shook his head at the princess and chuckled. "You don't get to pick your own birthday. It just happens."

Wait a minute. They weren't born until two days later. Anakin shook his head again. His breathing increased. His face stiffened. His eyes became darker, almost a dark yellow. More lies!  Obi-W—

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