Chapter 9

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To all of your surprise this does have a story arch, and may I say? This is gonna be a Long story! So buckle up, children, this is going to be a bumpy ride for us and for our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!


Avengers Tower? (Wut do they call it now?)

Computer Room

11:41 A.M.

Clint stared at the boy in Deadpool's arms, a confused and weirded-out expression laced on his features.

"Wait what? What the flock of birds is Peter Spider-Man?" Clint asked, waving his arms wildly at the mercenary and the teen. Deadpool sushed him and pointed to a sleeping Peter cuddling up in his arms. 

Steve and Tony shared that look. 

Tony looked mildly disgusted. Steve retaliated that by shoving an elbow in his husband's side.

Peter slumped on Wade's shoulder, and the mercenary just picked him up bridal style. 

"We'll talk about that later," Steve informed Clint. The archer just nodded and glared at the merc. Said merc was quietly looking for a place to lay Peter down. 

"You can lay him in his room," Steve said, smiling kindly at Wade. Tony just stood in the background with a shocked expression. 

"Okay," Wade said softly, looking at the brunette sleep soundly in his arms. As soon as Wade left the room, Tony said:

"Steve, I'm going to kill that man." 

"Wait 'til Logan hears about this!" Clint yelled in the background. 


Avengers Tower

Peter's Room

1:02 P.M. 

Peter sniffed softly as he woke up. He fluttered his eyes open, and he didn't expect to see a certain Merc's face right in front of him staring at him. 

"What the hell-Wade!" Peter jumped out of bed and landed crookedly on the floor. He groaned.

"Petey you're pretty when you're asleep," The merc cooed. Peter just stumbled to speak. 

"You're-Room-Dads-Whaa?" Peter asked wildly, flailing his arms everywhere. 

"It's alright, Petey, your dads are very aware that I am here. Besides, they even came up here to see how you where doing! -yes, White, they are helpful!- And they wanted us to go down to talk to them." Wade hopped off Peter's bed and landed besides him. 

Peter pouted, crossing his arms in a 5-year-old manner. 

"I don't want tom," he pouted. Wade just cooed at the action. 

"You're sweet and cute. Sorry, your dads would murder me if I don't get  you down there ASAPs. So," Wade picked him up with little trouble, "I'm gonna try not to die, like you've asked me in the past." 

Peter flailed half-hardheartedly to try to get out of the mercenary's grasp. He could easily get out of the grasp if he used his super-strength, but he wouldn't admit that he liked the warm arms. Wade grabbed the blanket on the floor to cover Peter. 

"Wade put me down," he asked as he held the blanket close. The mercenary just held his head high. 

"Nope, you're stuck with me, baby boy." 

Peter decided to pout as he walked into the elevator. 


Avengers Main Floor

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