Chapter One

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"Fucking blow off, ya fag." Luke watched on as some boy got pushed to the ground by a large, jock-like, asshole. College is a lot like high school, Luke thought.

The boy on the ground didn't say anything to the others and kept his head down. They didn't do anything further and walked away. Luke decided to help the boy up.

"You alright?" He questioned. The boy smiled, a large dimpled smile. Luke thinks it seems familiar.

"Yeah, kinda used to it. They never do anything to extreme though. Just push me around. Sometimes can me. Used to it..." The boy mumbled.

"I'm Luke by the way. I'm a freshman." Luke stuck out his hand in a friendly gesture, like his parents had always taught him.

The boy laughed, "Ashton, sophomore." They shook hands. Luke still couldn't help but shake that he knew this boy. He just didn't know from where.

"What are you majoring in?" Luke questioned Ashton as they made their way through the loud and crowded dorm halls.

"Can't decide. I was thinking music theory or communications. That could all change though. I could suddenly want to go into arts or something. I'm a bit bipolar when it comes to deciding things." Ashton laughs, "What about you? Freshman, gotta have something in mind?"

Luke loved how they were talking like they have known eachother for their whole lives. He still hasn't run into Calum or Michael since arriving. "I was thinking music theory, too. I don't know quite yet. Maybe I could do a double major and try different things."

"Overachiever," Ashton grumbled mockingly, a large smile on his face. Luke was sure he had met him before. The memory seemed groggy though and Luke thought maybe he was drunk. He'd been drunk most of the summer so that was a large possibility. Or high.

"Whatever. Just want to see what's out there. I didn't even really want to go to college. My mum and dad said I had to do at least two years. Better try everything I guess." Luke didn't really think he need to tell Ashton his whole life story but the boy was easy to talk to.

"Yeah, I wasn't sure if I'd even stay in college for a year. You learn to love it, trust me." Ashton assures him. They stop as a very tanned boy wearing only a towel runs after a girl that could possibly his sister, who was holding a pile of clothes; probably the boys.

"Is that normal?" Luke laughed.

"Yeah. Get used to it." Ashton replied semi-serious.

"I don't think I will." Luke mumbled as the boy dropped the towel running around the corner. He averted his eyes.

They continued to walk in silence. Cautiously observing the strange surroundings and inhabitants of their dorm.

"What room did you get?" Ashton asks. Luke hasn't been to his room yet, he's waiting for his parents to arrive with his things.

"Uh, 213B. I think," Luke checks his papers to be sure. "Yeah 213."

"Sweet! I'm in 214 so I'll be right across the hall." Ashton turns to him and smiles.

"Luke!" Someone calls loudly in the crowd of people. Luke turns just in time to be tackled to the floor by a mess of dark hair.

"Missed you too Cal." Luke speaks breathlessly.

"What about me?" Michael pouts. He has died his hair since the last time Luke saw him; a bright shade of pink. It makes him think of cotton candy. Luke wonders if it tastes like it too. Michael pulls him into a hug and Luke takes the opportunity to nip the hair. Strange, he knows, but he has to check. Nope, just shampoo. And a bit like cherries.

"I missed you more Michael." Luke sticks out his tongue as Calum pouts.

"Well Michael didn't tackle me, so I like him better right now." Luke clarifies.

"Should I let you guys catch up or..." Ashton trails off awkwardly. He isn't always great around new people. Luke seemed so... familiar though.

"No, sorry. Guys this is Ashton. Ashton this is Calum and Michael." He gestures to the two boys. Ashton gives them a shy wave and a smile.

"Do I know you? I feel like I've met you before. Or maybe I've met someone who looks like you?" Calum questions Ashton.

"Um, I don't think so? Maybe I do have a look-a-like." Ashton laughs. Yeah, that's it, Luke wonders.

"What rooms did you get?" Luke asks the pair.

"Well, I'm in 225 and Michael's in 230. What about you?" Calum answers. Michael seems to preoccupied in his phone.

"213. Ashton's in 214. At least we're all on the same floor. B right?"

"Yeah we're all on B. I have to go now. Gotta finish unpacking. See ya!" Calum is gone without a moment for them to say goodbye.

"I'm gonna go unpack too. Orientation is in, like, two hours right? I haven't even started. Bye." Michael shoves his phone into his pocket and waves as he turns and walks away.

"Well that was..." Ashton began.

"Weird? Yeah I know they are," Luke smiles at Ashton's bewilderment. "They aren't always like that I promise."

"Don't worry I like them."

"They aren't always like that I promise." The two laugh. Luke's phone starts ringing in his pocket. Blink182's 'I Miss You' sung by him, Michael, and Calum. His mom was calling him.

"Sorry, I've got to go. My mum is bringing me my things. I'll see you later though?"

"Yeah, see ya." Ashton waved Luke off as he turned to take the call. His mind was still buzzing over the fact that he knew Ashton. He didn't know how or when, but he did. Luke felt like this boy was drawing him to him, and he didn't know why.


Fuck this. Ugh... sorry this chapter was soooooo stupid! I had something all planned out and as soon as I went to go write it, blah! It was lost and I am so not happy with how this turned out. Whatever though, posting it anyway. I'll try hard (;P) to make the next one longer and hopefully better.

We're heading back to school from break in less than a week and I couldn't be dreading it more. Dance season is almost over, only January left, but this month is going to definitely be my busiest ever this school year.

Why does Wattpad think Calum and Ashton are spelled wrong?

And the song has literally no meaning in this chapter, I just love that cover!

Not gonna bore you with this authors note any longer. Hope you all like it anyway!

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