Chapter Three

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"Caaaaluuuummm! I'm bored!" Luke wined into his phone. He was currently lying sprawled out on his bed, limbs going in all different directions and head hanging off the side.

"Well what am I suppose to do?" Calum replies. There is static on the line for a moment as the phone is moved around.

"Come over!" Luke rolls over, knocking his navy blue beanie off his head and on to the floor.

"I can't! I have a ton of homework! And it's only the first day! I do not want to make a bad impression on my teachers. You know how I was in high school." Luke definitely remembers how Calum was in high school. Well they were all like that; partying every night, getting drunk and high, before and after school everyday. It was just common knowledge that if Luke, Calum, and Michael weren't drunk they were high, and if they weren't high they were drunk. And if they weren't either they were asleep or hungover.

The only difference was that Luke got good grades in school. Michael and Calum, not so much. They hardly graduated with passing grades. The only reason they passed was because Luke cheated for them on their finals. It wasn't Luke's fault that he was just naturally smart.

Anyway's, Luke has already finished his work from today and if he offers to 'help' Calum, he will end up doing it all. And of course Michael would probably tag along and make Luke do his work too.

"Ugh, you're no fun anymore, Cally! Fine, finish your homework, I'll find something else to entertain myself," Luke mumbles looking around his dorm at his belongings. He could play his guitar? No, that's no fun without someone to sing with him.

"Sorry Luke. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!" Calum hangs up before Luke can respond. He's always doing that though, so Luke doesn't feel too hurt by it.

"There is nothing to do here," Luke whispers frustrated. He tosses his phone behind him onto the bed.

Luke hasn't really met anyone yet, so he doesn't have anyone to come and hang out with him. Right now Luke is starting to second guess getting a single room.

What about Ashton, Luke thinks. He seems pretty cool. And pretty. No.

Didn't Ashton say he was just across the hall? Yeah he is.

Luke decides that he's going to go over there and ask Ashton to hang out, because randomly showing up at someones door is normal and that doesn't matter because Luke is bored.

Luke pushes himself off the bed and falls to the floor. He picks up his beanie and places it back on his head of blonde hair that he has lazily placed into a quiff today. It's a mess, hence the beanie.

Luke opens his door, not bothering to close it behind him, and makes the short distance across the hall to Ashton's room.

What if he's not there? Luke wonders before deciding he didn't care and knocking anyway.

There is a small thud and some loud shuffling behind the door before Ashton opens it. His curly hair is a mess, sticking up everywhere, he isn't wearing a shirt, and he has a pair of black glasses on.

Luke can't help but ogle at Ashton's abs but quickly snaps out of it when he hears his name.

"Hey Luke, what's up?" Ashton yawns, rubbing the side of his head.

"Nothing, just wanted to know if you wanted to come an hang out? It's so boring sitting over their alone!" Luke answers. He keeps his eyes on Ashton's face, making sure they don't wander to the the other boys body. Ashton is only in his underwear. Not that Luke noticed that. Not at all.

"Uh, yeah sure." Ashton yawns again.

"Were you asleep or something?" Luke laughs.

"Yeah. I was taking a nap. I'm going to a party later tonight and I didn't want to end up passing out there." Ashton smiles tiredly back.

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