Chapter Six

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After being in that awkward situation with Ashton a few days ago, Luke and he have not talked. Of course, Ashton has tried texting Luke, even calling him a few times; hoping he would see Luke in the dorms, or studying in the library, but no such luck. Luke has been ignoring Ashton. He has always been afraid of confrontation.

Today, Luke is sitting alone in his room, as he has been nearly everyday since the incident. He is not sure what to think. Whenever he thinks about Ashton, his chest hurts. He cannot sleep, and he is pretty sure he is going to fail all of his classes this term. Sure, he likes Ashton, but he does not.

Whenever Luke has ever liked someone, he knew it, but with Ashton it's come and go. There are things about Ashton that Luke likes, but he doesn't know. He has never been so conflicted. Every time he thinks of Ashton, his throat closes up and his face heats up. It's not real though. It doesn't feel right. He isn't exactly sure what it means. Terrible. Luke feels thick-headed when he thinks about him thinking about Ashton. If that makes sense, it doesn't even make sense to him, really.

His phone buzzes on his computer desk across the room. He does not move to answer it, pretty sure it's Ashton trying to talk to him, but his phone buzzes again, and again, and again, and finally Luke gets annoyed by it buzzing and gets up to check it.

It isn't Ashton, it's Michael, and Calum. They must be together because their messages seem to link together if Luke reads them in order from oldest to newest. The two want him to go out to a club with them since it is Friday, and they don't have school tomorrow. Luke really does not to, but they keep texting him repeatedly until he finally gives in.

They meet him at Michael's dorm and they head out to some club Michael had found the other day.

Immediately, Luke heads to the bar. He orders a round for each of them and downs his as soon as it is sat in front of him. And again, when he orders another round, and again.

Later, when they are a well 5 tequila shots in to the night, Calum hears word of a party down the street, and they immediately head off, stumbling in the direction of the house.

The party must have been going on for a while now - either that, or people are just to eager to get drunk on the weekends - because the house is covered in colourful streamers and there are people passed out on the lawn. Luke feels like he's going to be in that state soon. Really, he is already almost there, but he's still sober enough, and he does not want to be. His head already feels light, like it is full of hot air, warming his face and neck.

Luke watches Calum climb the stair and jump off the balcony on to a couch. He lands next to a couple making out; they do not even notice him. If Luke was sober, he would probably be worrying about is friends safety, but his isn't, so he cheers along with everyone else.

Somehow, Luke finds himself with a pipe in his hand. He doesn't remember picking it up, or lighting it, but he takes a hit off it and laughs as he blows out a thick cloud of grey smoke. The people around him blur together into a single multicoloured blob. He lays down on the pleather couch and stares at the ceiling fan. There's something that looks like a bra stuck to it. Laughing, and watching it spin around, Luke could not feel better. He doesn't know where Calum or Michael are, or even where he is, but he feels great.

Before he knows it, he is being handed drink after drink, and he is downing drink after drink. He already feels sick to his stomach, but he doesn't stop. Not long after drinking what seems like his millionth drink tonight, he finds himself in the centre of a crowd of people, all cheering him on as he dances drunkenly. Laughing all the while as he falls flat on his butt repeatedly.

Luke's recollection seems to diminish even more as he wakes up the next morning, lying on the floor in someone's lounge room. The first thing he does when he opens his eyes is vomit. Multiple times into a garbage bin. He is actually kinda scared because he doesn't know where he is. Never has Luke woken up after a night out and had absolutely no memory of the day before. Literally, he cannot even remember waking up yesterday. Even when he woke up in Ashton's room, he remembered most of the day. Now, he could remember absolutely nothing.

Squinting, and looking around the room - which is thankfully dark - and sees that he is not the only one who passed out in here. There are at least four other people asleep either on the floor, or lying at odd angles on the couches and chairs.

Letting his head fall back against the wall, he groans. His eyebrows crease together as he tries to remember yesterday. Head pounding, and stomach swirling, it's hard to focus. He opens and closes his eyes, trying to clear his foggy vision. Giving up after a while when it doesn't change anything. His tongue feels like sandpaper in his mouth, which is dryer than a girls when they see Calum naked. Bad comparison, his mouth is really dry.

Eventually, he lets himself fall back asleep; hopefully he will remember more when he wakes up, and hopefully none of yesterday involves any sexual relations with anyone. Specifically, with Ashton.



Ahem, sorry. . .


Did you like this chapter? It's short, but I told you guys it might be a bit confusing! *laughs maniacally* 

Whatever, I hope you all liked it :)


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