Chapter Nine

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A chicken.

That's what Luke was thinking of as he stared at the random scribbles in his notebook. For some reason they looked like a chicken. It was probably just his mind telling him that he was hungry (or maybe that was his stomach) and he shouldn't have woke up late and missed breakfast.

But it wasn't really his fault that he spent his whole Saturday asleep, and ended up not being able to sleep at all Sunday, and Monday decides to come around like a bitch, as usual. But Luke is trying to pay attention the the guest lecturer, seriously, who decided to have a lecture at 8 a.m. on a Monday?

Luckily, the bell finally rings. Luke has two other classes today, but they aren't until later so he doesn't know what he is going to until then. He doesn't want to go back to his dorm, because it's so far away from his next class and there isn't really a point for him to go back.

He wants to call Michael, because Michael is practically an entertainment source by himself, but the older lad was in class for the next hour. Luke doesn't want to wait an hour.

So he calls Calum instead. (It's not like he likes Calum any less, but Calum just isn't as fun on a Monday. He isn't a Monday person, or a morning person - though, no one is really a morning person. Michael is just consistently fun everyday.)

"Ugh, what do you want, Luke?"

"Oh don't sound so enthusiastic." Luke laughs and pulls his sweater over his hands. It's a bit chilly this morning, cooler than Luke had anticipated.

"I'm sorry. Hello, Luke! How are you this fine spring morning?" Sarcasm drips from Calum's voice, so thick Luke can hear it through the speaker.

"Oh ha ha. I was just wandering if you wanted to meet for breakfast."

"Sometimes I swear you're gay." Luke's eyes widen. He's glad Calum can't see him. There are other people around him so he ducks into a gap between two pillars to hide from them. He laughs awkwardly. "Yeah, we'll meet in 10 at Starbucks."

"Are you think I'm gay." Luke rolls his eyes and hangs up.

Ten minutes later (most of that time spent trying to navigate the campus Starbucks) Luke sits down by a table in the corner of the coffee shop. Calum is late - as usual - so Luke orders the other's usual for him.

It's another five minutes after the order is ready when Calum shows up. Still half asleep and not bothered to change out of his pajamas.

"Really? Pokemon pajama pants?" Luke laughs, "Why do you even bother to sleep with pants on. It's much more comfortable to sleep in your boxers."

"I didn't sleep in this," Calum says. He raises an eyebrow suggestively and sips on the cooling coffee.

Luke laughs and the two ditch the subject of sleep-wear, as Calum goes off on a tangent about his Sociology teacher (what is he even studying again?) and how she is such a bitch. Honestly, Luke wasn't paying attention, because for some reason his spinach wrap reminded him of a certain green-eyed lad. Not Michael.

Ashton's eyes aren't green, but for some reason the green spinach made him thing of Ashton's eyes. Even though Ashton's eyes are definitely hazel, not green, and they are bight and sparkling. And for some reason seeing them when they were high made Luke develop a strange feeling of deja-vu; he's not sure why.

"I just noticed something," Luke says. Trying to forget about the strange sense.

"And what's that?" Calum pops the lid off his drink and messes around with the cup.

"Your hair."

Calum laughs, running his fingers through the newly bleached blond streaks in his hair. "Yeah, I woke up with it like this after the party," he says. "Though, you should see Michael's."

Luke stuffs the last few bits of his wrap in his mouth, and says "What colour is it now," food still in his mouth.

"It's lilac, and don't talk with your mouth full." Calum flicks a coffee stirrer at Luke. It hits the blonds arm and falls to the floor.

"Whatever," Luke laughs. He clicks the home button on his phone to check the time.

"I have to get to class, see you later."

Luke left Calum. Letting his mind wonder back to that certain hazel eyed lad. Hazel eyes haunt his mind until his classes end, and he is back in his dorm. He stares down his homework, not being able to do it with Ashton on his mind.

Luke groans and closes his notebook, giving up on his homework at the moment. Then his phone rings.

Ashton Calling.

Should he answer?

He answers.

"Hey, Luke. You wanna come over?"

"You aren't gonna get me drunk and fuck me again, are you?"

"I don't think I will have to get you drunk to fuck you, do I?"

If Luke had, had anything in his mouth, he would've choked. "Uh, um...." Luke splutters.

"Why are you so awkward?" Ashton's laugh flows through the speakers. Luke can almost hear it from across the hall. "I won't fuck you, okay?"

"Uh, yeah, okay."

"We'll have sex instead?"

This time Luke did choke a little. On air. Then Ashton's laughter is heard again.

"God, I'm kidding.

"Only if you want to."


This is so short and shitty.... It's only around 900 words. This was almost done on Monday, but then Wattpad had a fuck up moment and I lost it all. So I had to rewrite it.

I promise it was longer before. I just caN'T REMEMBER ALL THAT I HAD IN IT.

Maybe I can make up for it but having a bit more.... 'action' in the next chapter ;P


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