Chapter Ten

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"I swear, if you come anywhere near me with alcohol I will bash your head in with my giant ass phone," Luke says as soon as Ashton opens his door.

"C'mon, you know you like it a little bit," he laughs, wiggling his eyebrow and holding up a bottle of pink Kinky, "kinky."

"Ha ha, very funny." He pushes Ashton's arm out of the way so he may walk in the room.

"I know I am." He lays the bottle sideways so he can shove it to the back of him mini-fridge. "But seriously, I was just kidding. I know you don't want to, so I won't make you."

"Unless of course you do want to, because in that case...."

"You really want to fuck don't you?"

"Is it that obvious?” Ashton whines, sounding oddly like a stereotypical white girl.

Luke gives him a look as to say 'duh' and plops down onto Ashton's unmade bed.

Youdotoo! Luke's mind screams at him. Short and that was it. A simple statement that actually confused him so much he had to lay down.

"You alright?" Ashton asks. The brunette hands Luke a Coke and sits down on his cajòn.

"Yeah," Luke mumbles. The care in the other boy's voice made Luke think even harder. Why was his mind telling him this. What was his mind telling him. "I'm just. . . thinking."

"About what?" Ashton replies almost absentmindedly. It seems like an automatic response, but Luke takes it.

The words leave his mouth like word vomit, "That you probably aren't that bad of a fuck." Luke bolts up and sits stiffly. "I didn't -  I mean I -" Awkward moments like these always leave Luke a blubbering mess, and now definitely wasn't an exception.

"Shut up Luke," Ashton laughs.

"You know, you sound like Michael?" Luke mumbles. Ashton doesn't seem to catch it, though.

"I know you want to sample this," Ashton smirks, gesturing to his body.

"Can I top?"

Ashton seems take aback by Luke's statement. "I - seriously?"

"Yeah," Luke answers bluntly.

"Well I've never bottomed be-"

"And I don't ever remember bottoming, either," Luke says. Cutting Ashton off abruptly.

"I, uhm. . ." Ashton whines, "is this the only way you will do it with me?"

Luke pretends to think then nods. Ashton grunts, standing up to join Luke on the bed.

He lays down and glares at the younger boy. "Do what you please."

Luke laughs and climbs on Ashton's lap. He stares down at the gorgeous boy beneath him. His mind flashes back to hazel eyes and curly hair. Shaking the thought from his mind; he leans down and begins kissing Ashton.

Take this as strangely as you want, but to Luke, everything about Ashton is familiar. He even tastes familiar.

Luke furrows his eyebrows but does not end the kiss. Instead, he deepens it. Moving his body to a random tune in his head and attacking Ashton's mouth with his tongue.

It's almost so sudden, Luke has to pull back - gasping. He looks hard at Ashton, who seems confused and breathless. Luke takes in the kiss. The kiss that seems so familiar. The kiss that leaves Luke reeling on a whole different level.

"I-" Luke almost can't breathe. He feels like throwing up because of that kiss. "I can't - can't do this A-Ashton. Have to go," he stutters, somehow managing to string together a some-what understandable sentence. He stumbles from Ashton's lap, making his way to the door as quickly as his legs would let him. They didn't really seem to be listening at the moment, though.

Ashton grabs the back of Luke's shirt, wondering what the hell was wrong with the blond, but Luke pulls away and slams the door to Ashton's room. He struggles with the lock on his door before practically falling through the threshold.

Luke's feet hit the carpet of his room, the door behind him as he falls back against it. He pulls his knees to his chest and screams into them to muffle the noise.

Every memory from that night last summer comes flooding back into his mind. He remembers the spin the bottle. He remembers snogging Ashton stupid. And he remembers all after.

Especially the memory of he and Ashton on the stiff bed, with two even more stiff objects between them.

He screams again and somehow he was on his bed. Head buried in the pillows smelling strongly of laundry detergent.

Luke pulls his phone out of his pocket. There are already eight messages from Ashton, and that is surely not the end of them. He doesn't bother reading them. Only types out one simple message:

hate you.

and presses send.



Pretty sure the majority of you figured this out already #noshame



Idek about the beginning of this hahha

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