Chapter Five

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Sorry 'bout that aha.


Luke is rudely awoken when his head hits the floor. He groans and rolls over. The inside of his eyelids turn red, telling his it's bright in the room so he shouldn't open his eyes.

He takes a few deep breaths and forces the bile rising in the back of his mouth back down. Dropping his head onto the carpet, deciding he would rather lay here than get back into his bed - which involves moving - and he tries to fall back asleep.

Those plans are quite rudely interrupted by his alarm ringing. Wait, that's not his alarm.

Luke's eyes pop open, ignoring the way his headache intensifies by a thousand, and looks around at his surroundings.

Last night is really fuzzy, really fuzzy. Luke doesn't even remember what he did to get this intoxicated in the first place.

The first thing Luke notices looking around the room is the cajon sitting in the corner.

This is Ashton's room.

The next thing he notices is that his pants are lying near the foot of the bed. Which means he isn't wearing them.

Luke's eyelids squeeze shut and his hands frantically check to see if he is wearing any clothes. He isn't.

The alarm is still blaring above him and he is silently screaming at it to shut up.

Luke reaches blindly for his pants - which are luckily lying right next to his underwear - and quickly slip them on. Just as he is buttoning them, Ashton wakes up.

His hand reaches over the edge of his bed and grabs at his phone. Not noticing the blonde boy lying on the floor, staring wide eyed up at his arm. He lets out a groan and kicks the blankets off, but doesn't seem to make any attempt of getting out of bed.

Luke tries to get his attention, "Um, Ashton?" His voice crack. Silently cursing himself out for being so nervous. Ashton's fidgeting in the bed ceases. He rolls in his bed and looks at Luke through barely-open eyes. He blinks a few times before saying anything.

"Why aren't you wearing a shirt?"

Luke feels slightly disgruntled. I can't find it, he thinks. "I wasn't wearing anything when I woke up." Ashton's eyes widen, as do Luke's. He can't believe he just said that. It probably would've gone a lot smoother if he had just pretended he had, in fact, woken up with pants on, and he doesn't know why he wasn't wearing a shirt. Unless, of course, Ashton remembers everything Luke did and he was just testing to see if Luke remembered.

Ashton shuffles around under the blankets before squeaking, "I'm not wearing anything either."

Luke sits up quickly, groaning when he feels a sharp pain in his butt. "Oh God, Ashton what if we did something!" Ashton's mouth opens and closes like a goldfish staring blankly through the foggy tank glass.

"I think we did," he whispers.

"Yeah, me too," Luke chokes. He pulls on his hair roughly and tries to calm his breathing. "Ashton?" Ashton grunts in acknowledgement. "You were my first."

"Wait, you're a vigin?" Ashton asks. Sitting up and wincing, he stares down at Luke with a confused look.

"No! But yeah, I've never had sex with a guy, Ashton," Luke stutters, "and I've never had sex while drinking. I only like to be sober, when, you know..."

"Yeah," Ashton gulps. He looks troubled. "Um. . . I have to get ready, and uh," he blushes, "I don't want you to see me," he looks down at his lap, hoping Luke would get it, "naked, jeez."

Luke coughs, "Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay, I'm just going to-"

"Stop being so awkward. We've seen each other naked," Ashton jokes. "Don't forget your shirt." He gestures to where it is dangling off the bed post.

"Okay, I'm sorry, Asht-"

"Seriously, stop being so awkward." Luke nods and grabs his shirt. He slips it on quickly before leaving the room.

When Luke gets to his room, shutting the door behind him; he drops to the floor in front of his door, and puts his head in his hands.

I just had sex. . . with Ashton, he thinks. I just wish I remembered it.

Wait. Luke shakes his head. Did I just think that?


Short ass chapter and I'm not really sorry.

Okay I'm sorry a lottle for talking so long.

This shit is about to get very confusing coming up because I don't even understant it all tbh.

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