Chapter Seven

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Luke's head is swirling as he walks out of the mysterious house. A random pair of sunglasses adorn his face. Still having no idea where he is, Luke does the only logical thing. He walks.

He chooses a direction (picking left) and heads down the road. The neighbourhood is quiet, the complete opposite of what Luke expected. The lawn of the house he just left was covered in garbage from the party, along with a few people passed out, but every other house he passes seem like perfect family homes. 'How was the police not called last night?' he thinks.

Luke doesn't ponder further on it. Because pondering hurts. Why is he pondering? Why the fuck is he using the word ponder?

He stops. Looking around at the street signs - and holy shit it's bright out - but he doesn't recognize anything.

Luke pulls on his hair, which is still semi-styled from last night, and keeps walking. Wishing he could remember where exactly Calum and Michael dragged him to after ditching the club. Maybe if he found the club, he'd be able to make his way back towards the college.

Suddenly his phone starts vibrating in his pocket. He's somewhat relieved because he hadn't even realized he had his phone. Thinking he'd left it at the house somewhere. He pulls it out and sees Ashton's name on the screen. He has to stop again, because hangovers and multitasking don't really work well together.

Ashton. Incoming call. From Ashton. If Luke wasn't so desperate, he probably wouldn't have answered the phone. But he is. And he did.

"Hello?" he rasps into the speaker. The other end is quiet - Luke thinks Ashton didn't hear him, so he speaks again, "Hey, Ash-"

"Are you drunk?" Ashton asks.

"What? No. . ."

"Luke we've been drunk enough together for me to know what you sound like when you're drunk."

Luke is quiet.


"Why are you even calling me?"

"Do you not remember last night?"

Luke holds his breath. He has to take a seat on a nearby bench - afraid he may pass out. "Ashton I swear I don't. What did I do?"

"What? No, Luke, nothing bad. I - just -  where are you?" Ashton's voice is a bit muffled, and he sounds flustered.

"Um. . ." He looks around. "I don't really know."

Ashton sighs, "Are their any signs near you?"

"Yeah." Ashton is quiet again.


"Well, what?"

"Really? Ugh, what do they say, Luke?" Ashton is starting to sound more and more flustered, and exasperated. Luke can almost imagine him pulling on his curls, and pacing around his dor- What?

"Yeah, uh," Luke stutters, "I'm at the corner of," he squints at the signs, and tells Ashton where he is.

"I'll be there in a minute."

"Wait, what?" Luke hadn't even been sober enough to realize why Ashton was asking for his location in the first place.

"I'm coming to get you." Luke opens his mouth but doesn't say anything. Why did he answer the phone? Now Ashton, the single person he's been trying to avoid, is coming to pick him up.

He doesn't even realize Ashton's hung up until he accidentally presses the music app with his face, and music starts blaring in his ear. Shutting it off and sighing. He mind starts to wonder again. Where are Calum and Michael? He takes out his phone and clicks the home button so the screen would light up. It's hardly half noon. Luke is surprised that he is even awake, so he doesn't expect them to be up yet.

A car stops in front of him on the road. The driver door opens on the old Honda, and Ashton hops out. The wind blows his hair out of his face as he walks over to Luke.

He stops when he is standing in front of Luke and looks around. "Why are you over here?"

Luke answers with a shrug. Standing to follow Ashton towards the car.


The car ride is quiet. They are a lot further from the dorms than Luke had thought. That, or Ashton is just taking the longest route there. Luke still doesn't really recognize anything as they drive.

"Are we really that far from the college?"

Ashton shakes his head. "No," he says. Pursing his lips, and making a right turn at a stoplight.

"What?" Luke stares at Ashton, as if the brunette some how grew a third eye eye. "You're kidnapping me, Ashton. Where are we going?"

Ashton glances over at Luke. Giving the younger boy a small smile, almost a smirk, and says, "Don't know yet." Luke glares.

He doesn't like that answer, but he doesn't know how to respond. So he pouts, staring at the black hood of Ashton's car. Scratches and dents reflecting the light. It's a nice car inside though.

The car stops half an hour later. In another place Luke doesn't recognize. Ashton gets out of the car, but Luke doesn't budge.

"Ashton where are we?" Ashton rests his forearms on the hood and looks through the windsheild at Luke.

 "A park."

"Why aren't we at our dorm room?"

Luke sees Ashton sigh and look down at his figiting hands. "I want to talk to you. About the other night-" Luke rolls his eyes, licking the inside of his cheek. "-and I knew you'd react like that, so that's why I didn't tell you where we were going."

"But I'm hungover. I don't want to be sitting at some park." Really, Luke is just trying to get out of sitting with Ashton - having a prolonged conversation, at all.

"Please," wines Ashton. Opening Luke's door and leaning against it. "There's a pavilion near the center that we can sit in. It's dark? We really need to talk though."

Luke gives in. Why does Luke give in? His mind tells him no, but his body stands and follows Ashton to the tiny building in the center of the park.

He doesn't want to talk to Ashton, but must now that they reach the pavilion.

"First off. . . I'm sorry."



Okay.... I'm going to try something, and I'm not going to tell you guys, because you will probably hate me. If that gives you a hint.... oops.

The next chapter will be up.... next week sometime. I promise, and if it's not I will do double updates the next week. Saying this because hopefully I will get more motivation to write this story, because I haven't updated this one in forever and you guys deserve it for being so amazing ;)


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