❄December 22nd❄

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Listen to the song for this chapter. It is NOT the same song Mariah Carey sings. (:

Song: All I Want For Christmas- LeAnn Rhimes

Before Tanner had Bailey as his girlfriend, there was another girl. At the time, Bailey was his best friend. She helped him get the girl, and she helped him with their relationship.

What Bailey didn't tell Tanner about was the feelings she had for him. She kept them locked deep inside herself, never to come out unless they absolutely had to. She was scared that, if he did find out, their friendship would be ruined, and that was a loss Bailey wouldn't be able to bare.

It just happened to be New Years Eve. Tanner was throwing a party at his house, and everyone was invited. Bailey thought about bringing a date, but then she gave up on that idea. She just wanted to have a good time with her best friend and his girlfriend.

What she didn't expect though, was for Tanner to ignore her the whole night and stay with his girlfriend and her friends.

So, Bailey sat in the living room for a couple hours and watched them talk, laugh, and flirt. Watching them made her heart drop in her chest. She couldn't understand why. It wasn't like she was crazy in love with him.

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