Chapter Three

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This is how I thought Clare Baldwin, Joey's best friend, would look.

Later that night, after dinner, they talked about her travel plans. Joey and Gunnar were to fly down to Los Angeles. Get picked up by a driver to drive them to their apartment. Go meet with the producer. Learn about her schedule. Then either fly back, or stay down there for the show. If she had to stay down there, the General would ship her clothes down there. She and Gunnar would stay the apartment they show had for them to stay in. She was ecstatic about the situation.

For the rest of the week she was super happy. Joey is a relatively happy, but not creepily happy.

The next day of school, Wednesday, she went to school. And she saw her best friend, Clare.

Their high school, a school near Green Lake, was much smaller than Roosevelt or Garfield. It was private high school that all of her siblings went to. Joey was a junior. Her brother, Gunnar, graduated a semester early. Her school was relatively small, but a good size for her.

Her best friend, Clare, came running down the hall to Joey's locker. Classes start at 8:00 a.m., unless you have zero period.

"Joey." Clare said to her out of breath, she looked like she had been running.

Clare Bawden, her best friend. She was taller than Joey, maybe 5'7". She had dirty blond hair and golden hazel eyes. She danced, like Joey; they had ballet class together after school. They had been dancing together for as long as Joey could remember. She was very pretty.

Their other friends, Max, Devon, Lucy, Ryan, and Sean. The six of them would sit together at lunch. Joey was pretty good friends with Lucy, but she didn't dance, she did crew instead. Devon, he did lacrosse. Max, he played soccer. Sean, he was involved in the drama department.

"What's up, Clare?" Joey said closing her locker.

"Nothing, but you didn't talk to me yesterday. How did it go with the General, Charlie, and Danny?"

"Oh, sorry, we were talking about something that happened." Joey said smiling.


"I will tell you with the rest of the guys at lunch."

"Okay. Well, we should get going to US History. We have to learn more about World War II today."

"Okay, let's go!"

After her class. They both walked out and went to their lockers.

"Man, Joseph Stalin was a messed up guy." Clare said.

"Yeah, you would think that people would realize that communism hasn't ever worked."

"Yeah, I know right?!" She said laughed at the end.

"Anyways, we have second lunch right?"

"Yes, then we have English. And then we have to go to dance practice. Hey, is Max driving us today?"

"I think so."

"That guy likes you."

"What?" She said blushing and exasperating the word.

"And you like him. Why do you think he has been driving us, or morally, you, every time we have dance practice?"

"He's a nice guy."

"No guy is that not that nice unless he has alterative motive."

"Okay, I will give you that." She said laughing. "What about you? Any guys? I think that guy, Michael, likes you." She said shoulder bumping her.

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