Chapter 2

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The dark green trees became blurs passing by as I ran until my lungs felt as though they will burst any second. This helps the pain. Helps me think and helps me forget.

Almost there.

I huffed knowing she was right. After a few minutes we reached the large body of water placed perfectly in the middle of the forest.

This was my spot. The one place I can be left alone to think and not have to worry about anyone interrupting my thoughts. The lake is on the very far corner of our pack territory. Everyone has only been a few times before.

The first and the last, was the day my mother was killed.

Nymeria howled inside as the empty feeling resurfaced itself but I shook the feeling away and walked towards the run down shack sat a few feet from the water. There was a large door, almost like a garage door, that faced out towards the water. Once I reached the old run down building, I paused, closed my eyes and felt the familiar feeling rush back to me. Within seconds, I shifted.

The cold air burned my hot skin at first. I can tell you, it's the best feeling in the world shifting back during the winter months. It's a refreshing feeling almost. One that reminds you that you're alive. That we do feel the small things even if inside we feel numb.

I walked towards the shack and opened the door facing out towards the water. Attached to the shack is a long dock that walks out almost halfway into the water. Once inside I grabbed the extra hoodie and leggings I kept beside the old paints and brushes on the ground. I put the clothes on and threw my hair into a bun on top of my head.

Picking up the old pencils and sketch book covered in dust, I began drawing. I drew and drew until my finger tips were numb and the sun disappeared beyond the trees.

I guess nows the time to go home.

I sighed standing up and stared out at the water. Watching the moon reflect off the rippling dark liquid sat before me. It's relaxing. Knowing at a place where so much harm was done, that there can be peace after the storm. In this moment, it seemed perfect.

I always thought my life was perfect. The perfect family. Perfect brothers, perfect parents, perfect friends and a perfect me. Which at some point I suppose that was true. But that had to of been before I even knew how to stand or walk and even talk. When you're that little, nothing is a problem. Really because you don't know anything. But now we all know everything. We know what is bad and what is good. What can make you sad and what can make you happy.

I walked down the dock and sat at the edge, dangling my feet centimeters above the water. My hands gripped the edge of the old warped wood, almost splintering the soft flesh of my hands. Taking note of the pain, I rolled my eyes at myself and laid back. My head hit the dock so I was now staring up at the sky, the stars taking over my vision.

I sighed allowing my exhaustion to take over the slightest bit.

I continuously hold myself high, which has caught up to me fairly quickly. I am an Alphas daughter after all, with responsibilities and a role I need to uphold for others. I'm one they look up to. As they did my mother. After a while, it seems to be too much.. I brought my hand up to my eyes, taking a long glance at the dahlia flower and sun imprinted on my wrist for eternity. Being a werewolf comes with a lot. When someone important dies, before you even get to know what happened or who it was, a permanent mark is imprinted on our skin. When my mother passed, her favorite flower and her symbol appeared on my wrist.

A Dahlia and a Sun.

These marks appear more so when a family member dies or a mate.

I snorted at myself. Mates. Another thing that comes with being a wolf. The most overrated and most talked about thing in our world. The ones we are bonded with for life. The ones that put us in the most danger, and for what? Just a second of feeling wanted? Of not feeling lonely? Most of us are better by ourselves. Not having to worry about the other is better. Safer. But even when you feel you're the most broken and unsafe one out of everyone, there's still someone out there made for you to tell you otherwise.

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