Chapter 6

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That feeling when your heart is beating at an unanticipated rate, as if your chest has no boundaries and feels as though you can physically see the walls of the organ that pumps your blood, right in front of you. Ripped directly from your chest, fighting for its last cell to circulate through your veins.

It's an unwelcoming rush.

The familiar smell of wet pine swarms my crisp white fur as I weave through the trees belonging to the forest, creating a somewhat comforting presence.

I ran and ran until the ripples of the dark blue lake came into sight. This is where I belong right now.

In seconds, I shifted and walked straight into the ice cold water that sat in front of me. It stung my skin at first as it instantly chilled my overheated tan skin. I laid my head back in the water and stared at the sky, thousands of bright stars cloud my vision.

A deep sigh escaped my throat. I met my mate. A man I never thought would have entered my life so soon. Was I ready?

Logan has always dreamt of meeting hers when we first learned about what mates even were. But I on the other hand, was different. Why couldn't we choose who we end up with for the rest of our lives? Why is it chosen for us? There have always been so many questions that no one has answers too. But why should we just accept that?

I should get the choice if I want to change who I've become for a man I don't even know.

I slowly sank myself under the water, taking in the last glance of the moon above me.


Complete and utter, silence.

After a few seconds, I broke the thin seal of water with my nose and took a breath.

I swam to the dock and pushed myself out of the water and placed my feet onto the old wood.

I subconsciously rubbed the mark on my arm and walked into the shack, grabbing a hoodie and a pair of leggings. After slipping them on, I walked back to the dock and stood on the edge. My once dry hair, now wet after going in the lake, began forming the familiar tiny icicles on the tips of my hair.

From a distance, I hear longing howls belonging to pack members.

They're looking for us.

Well they don't need to look hard, they always know where I am.

Why didn't you go to him?

I shrugged her off, knowing full well she didn't need to ask that for an answer. It pains me to know I'm not all in the way she is. She's the one with the destined mate after all. 

Leaves break behind me, but I stay still. Staring at the reflection of the moon against the water. The footsteps near the dock, closing the distance between us.

"Carter, are you ok?"

I quickly turn and run into Bennett's arms. I shake my head into his chest as he slowly wraps his arms around my back. He sighs deeply.

"I'm ok, but I know you're not,"

"Carter, don't do that. You're far from ok. I can feel it. I'll be fine. We both knew this would happen eventually."

I squeezed him tighter and then gently let go. I shook my head, staring down at his beat up boots and my bare toes. He walked here? "What happened after I ran?" He reached up and scratched the back of his neck. "Nothing good." He knew where I was before anyone.

"I'm so sorry this happened Bennett, if I could've chosen it woul-", he cut me off.

"Please do not finish that sentence. I won't be able to handle it and tonight's already been enough."

I swallowed the lump forming in my throat. I haven't cried since that night, but tonight feels pretty damn close to it. Who I am will be lost after this. Never to be seen again.

"I will always be here for you, whenever you need me," he reached his hand to my cheek, "and like we've always talked about, I would have chosen you no matter what." He gave a reassuring smile and moved closer. A small kiss was placed against my cold cheek by his warm welcoming lips.

"No matter what happens, turn your pain into power. Do not let him ruin you, Carter."



Sorry it's short! This is just a small transition chapter into what's to come!

Any & all feedback is greatly appreciated! I have high hopes for this story & I'm thankful for all who are continuing to read & vote!

This is also not edited but I will continue going back & fixing any and all mistakes I looked past!


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