Chapter 4

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We began walking back to the pack house. Bennett is one of my best friends, and although Logan would hate it, if I could choose a mate it would be him. If I understood why mates existed but was able to choose who I wanted to end up with, it would be him. He has never treated me unfairly, has always respected me and cared for me unlike anyone else. He is safe.

I bumped my hip into him, causing him to stumble. In seconds he had me over his shoulder.

"Put me down Bean!" I laughed hitting him on the back. He slapped my ass, causing my wolf to stir and growl. He laughed a hearty laugh, squeezing the back of my thigh. He swung me down and grabbed my hips, making sure I was balanced on the ground. I rolled my eyes and continued walking with him right by my side.

Training starts in 5 minutes. We were now in sight of the large backyard of our home, we saw almost every member younger than age 40, out and waiting.

"How do you think this will go?" Bennett questioned me, I laughed. 

"Well seeing as though not many have actually trained and have half-assed almost everything my father taught them, not good. I think a lot will pass out or try to run," I joked. Bennett shrugged his should and mumbled a you have a point. 

We walked into the wide open space and straight to the porch where Casey stood, waiting for his Beta and for everyone to quiet down and pay him the respected attention. He shot Bennett a glare and narrowed his eyes, glancing quickly at me. Bennett slightly bowed his head.

Leave him be.

I shot at Casey through mind-link. He rolled his eyes and turned his attention to the awaiting members.

"Alright, everyone quiet down. It's time to begin our training. Starting today, training will begin at ten in the morning on Saturday and Sunday's, and seven in the morning during the week. Training everyday will make us stronger as individuals, but more so stronger as a pack. Now partner up. Let's get started." Casey demanded which in return gained a few mumbled 'yes, Alpha's'. A low growl emitted from Casey, which caught the attention of everyone. "When I give an order, you speak up as a pack, together and with respect. Try again."

Without hesitation everyone, including myself, stood straighter and in unison gave our Alpha the respect he deserves. My brother earned this position. Whether you want to believe it or not, it wasn't just handed down to him. He fought his hardest to prove to my father he was ready. I've never been so proud of my brother.

I shot him a big smile and slapped him on the back, running down the stairs to go and find Logan. She wasn't far, only a few feet from the steps. I jumped on her, thankfully she caught me.

"Be my partner Lolo?" I asked as I kissed her cheek. She tapped a finger against her chin, thinking.

"Well maybe I would if you get your fat-ass off me. How is it you look so fit yet you weigh the size of twenty elephants ." I pinched her ear and snapped my teeth at her. "Watch it Loogie." I laughed jumping off her.

The morning consisted of running in groups through the territory, sparing with partners, and reflex training.

After 4 hours of nonstop training, everyone was sprawled out over the large backyard. My head rested on Logan's stomach as she leaned against a tree.

"Carter, how are you even breathing right now. My lungs feel like they collapsed and re-inflated just to be stabbed and punctured for the 10th time." She dramatically put her hand to her chest, I laughed looking up at her.

"It's my blood, what can I say," I said smartly. She growled, not too fond of my sarcasm. I stood up and reached my hand out, "Let's go, I'm hungry." She grabbed my hand and we headed inside.

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