Chapter 10

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Silence consumed me as I waited in the car. Maybe I shouldn't have left the way I did. I could've stayed longer to say my goodbyes to everyone in the pack. But I will be back, I know I will. The light taps of raindrops made their way onto the windshield, lightening the quietness only in the slightest of bits. My foot tapped against the freshly cleaned floor mats of the front seat, causing my uneasiness to enlarge inside of me. Will I be ok? Will he change my idea of Mates as a whole? Or will he be the end of me like I've seen with so many?

Faint voices approached the large SUV I occupied. "Alpha, are you sure you don't want to fly back? Seeing as though your uh, our Luna I mean, is now with us? I-it would be safer don't you think?" An unfamiliar voice echoed through the windows and a low, threatening growl rumbled the doors.

"Get back to the pack lands." Hunter's voice bellowed throughout the front yard. How far is his pack?

The raindrops hit the windshield harder, making it known a storm was on its way. The clouds rolled in, creating a comforting darkness above.

The driver's side door flung open and slammed shut in seconds causing the intoxicating scent to hit me like a brick wall. I rolled my eyes and laid my forehead against the cold glass of the window.

"Hey now, what's wrong? I smell bad or something?" Hunter smirked and started the car. I whipped my head to send a glare. My eyes fixated on the drops of water dripping from the tips of his hair. Is it raining that bad?

"You could've dried off before getting in the car, ya know," I turned my head to avoid the constant stare he gave. I cautiously rubbed the leather on my seat and grazed my nail over the expense looking stitching. I huffed and pulled my hood over my head, he put the AC so cold in here I wouldn't be surprised if the engine froze, it's already cold enough outside. I leaned my head back against the window and watched the raindrops paint their pictures against the glass.

"Take it off."

"Excuse me?"

"I said take it off."

I fully turned to look at him. Glaring, I slowly took off my hood in confusion.

"Well you have it so damn cold in here what would you like me to do? Freeze to death?! Because I don't think you would appreciate that if I sat here dead when you just found out who I was less than a day ago. Am I wrong? I didn't think so." I snapped. I can put my damn hood on if I want to, so I did. Hunter growled warningly, silently telling me to take it off again. I turned to stare out the window again but before I could, strong arms reached over. In seconds, I was on Hunter's lap being pushed against the steering wheel.

"Non mi disobbedirai, sei mio." His hands gripped my thighs, making sure I wouldn't try moving away. My heart raced at his closeness and my breath hitched in my throat.

"Take. It. Off."

His nails extended into points, lightly poking through the thin layer of denim covering my bare thighs. Anger pinged at my chest. Does he think I'm scared of him? The idea of him even thinking that he can get to me in the slightest, angers me to a point of no return.

I reached my hand up to his check, quietly extending my nails to their familiar sharp edges. I ran my hand up his cheek, placing my thumb close to his bottom eyelashes. He must've noticed what I was doing as I felt his nails rip through my jeans.

"You have no right speaking to me that way." An unwelcoming sting ached its way onto my legs. I can feel Nymeria stirring, but I'm not sure if it's in a good or bad way.

I can feel Hunter's anger flow through him. What is so wrong with me just putting on my hood? Apparently it's something so wrong that he wants to hurt me for it? If this is how he is going to be only being together for five minutes in the car, how is the rest of our lives going to be?

"Please take it off," He shockingly begged as he closed his eyes and retracted his nails out of my legs. Hunter sighed and lifted his head away from my hand. My heart fell slightly, upset instantly at the feeling he was giving off. I sighed and pulled off my hood.

His arms grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. He buried his nose in my neck and inhaled my scent until he, what seemed like, got enough. Could he not smell me this whole time? I furrowed my brows as I stared at the headrest in front of me. My hood wouldn't mask my scent entirely.. I wear hoodies all the time and no one has ever said there was a problem.

"Ho bisogno di sentirti l'odore, ho bisogno di sapere che sei qui," Hunter groaned as he pulled away. His eyes were still closed, I took advantage and imprinted every detail of his face into my brain. His clear perfect skin matched perfectly with the overgrown scruff that covered his jawline and upper lip. His eyelashes are lighter at the tips making them look shorter than they are. His tattoos crept their way onto his jaw, invading his all to perfect face.

I was too occupied investigating my Mates face to realize he was staring directly at me.

"Like what you see?" Hunter joked, a light chuckle shook us both. I could feel the flush in my cheeks as soon as he closed his mouth,

I hid my face with my hands. He softly laughed again and gripped my waist, moving me back to my previous state of occupation. He didn't say another word as he put the car in gear and began driving down the driveway.

I assume the drive will be long, only working off the facts stated by the one pack member Hunter spoke with before. If a plane ride was an option, I would've taken the flight rather than a long drive with a man I just met who makes me nervous and mad and subconsciously happy at the same time.

The trees that lined the driveway became narrower as we neared the main road. It just occurred to me that this may or may not be the last time I drive down this driveway. This is and will always be, my home and I will be back.

I averted my eyes from the road. I can't look at the town I grew up in and learned to love in, disappear before my eyes. Instead, I focused my eyes on the red stained holes that now occupied my light blue jeans. I picked at the holes, making them slightly larger. The cuts without a doubt have healed and are already a memory that I will never forget.

Hunter's arm reached over and turned the temperature knob on the center console, making it significantly warmer within seconds. I rolled my eyes and made a slight huff, refusing to look at him.

The warmth kindly suffocated me, making me relax into my seat. I leaned my head back against the cold window, returning to the show the raindrops were airing.

I closed my eyes and let the exhaustion take over that I didn't realize was itching at me to succumb to.


not edited

Hope you all enjoy!
I'm going to be focusing on writing more often now.
I'll try to update at least twice a week!
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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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